French frogs

Wow, all pretty chickens! I love the BCM especially. For some reason pain medicine keeps me awake. So on these sleepless nights I have become addicted to German poultry video channels on YouTube. I'm seeing all these beautiful chickens I want. The Spitzes, and especially silver Brakels.

BCM's are my least favorite, lol...

Pain meds do the same to me... I think it's the relief from the pain, something makes you want to enjoy being pain free instead of sleeping during that time... ;)

Pic of Shame... :lau
good morning, frawgs!!!

hope everyone's Easter was great......

had the grandbabies over for a hunt Sunday morning......

they loved the baby chicks.........

PappaDaddy, may have accidentally promised to build a run, and hatch a couple of chicks for grandbabie Zowie.....

that girl, wanted one of all of
good morning, frawgs!!!

hope everyone's Easter was great......

had the grandbabies over for a hunt Sunday morning......

they loved the baby chicks.........

PappaDaddy, may have accidentally promised to build a run, and hatch a couple of chicks for grandbabie Zowie.....

that girl, wanted one of all of

Awww that's sweet Bert! Hatch some chicks for her. Bunches of them! (you're probably lucky that you didn't have baby ducklings yet)

I had a very productive weekend. Got 2 of my drakes moved to the pond at camp. Now my female duck can live in peace without being gang-banged by all 3 drakes. I kept one male and the female at home. He seems to miss the other boys more than she does, but they seem to be bonding better now. And I cleaned their pool, and kept the boys out while she had time all by herself! She had a blast!

I also got my lighted "The Birdcage" sign mounted. I decided to try it outside the run first, because its pretty bright! But when I went out last night in the dark, it wasn't really as bright as I thought it would be. I initially intended to put it inside the run, so I may try moving it there, just to see. Now it just projects out into the yard a little, and not directly into the run.

ETA - going to have hubby run some wiring when he is able, to a switch. Right now just using an extension cord.

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