French frogs

My hatch is over. I'm about ready to throw my incubator into traffic. I'm pretty sure my temp was a bit low this time, but I also think there is a design flaw with my incubator. I think the ventilation is poor. Out of 18 locked down eggs, (10 shipped, 8 local) I got 7 chicks. One pipped right below the air cell and aspirated. 2 pipped internally but never pipped externally, and the rest are dead in shell, fully formed.

I had that same one, till the heater or sensor or something went out. (day 18 of a hatch, no less!) But it can work. You may have to turn up the heat just a bit. I also wrapped mine in that thin, but effective, duct wrap. It helped the heater not work so hard. (I timed how fast it came on and went off, before and after!)

I use the auto turner, but it basically just rocks it back and forth 3-4 times and then finishes with it leaning the same direction as before, every two hours. So this time, I started rotating the eggs 180 degrees once a day so the other side of the egg was tipped forward. On day 18, I have candled, and placed viable eggs in cut down cartons. I then leave my filled spice bottles in as well as fill the troughs. This gets the humidity to read around 50%. The highest I've ever see it read is 56%.

Check the arm sticking out of the turner motor. It should go from 3 o'clock to 9 o'clock position. I had times where it would go just a little too far, and within a couple of weeks, it was stopping at 12 and 6 o'clock positions, leaving the turner in the same spot - flat.... Not good.
To fix it, you have to turn the unit off while the turner is in the middle of a move, when its in the proper position. Then turn it back on, and it will stay in sync.... for a while.

So... a few hours later...



Good morning frogs. You guys had a busy weekend. I apologize for being too lazy to catch up with everything.


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