French frogs

Gosh they are growing quick! I remember now she had vim and vigor straight out of the egg. Wifey is just trying to keep our poultry numbers manageable.

Remember! I'm sending you BBS AM eggs and your sending me duck eggs!

LOL...very true. She's had sass from day one.

I'd be happy to send you some eggs. My only boy is my Pekin. Now he's a hoot. Nothing to do with eggs here, except eat 'em.
I pulled 5 more Barnie eggs that were clear. Had marked them but left them in on Friday since I couldn't see into them very well, but yup, they were clear when opened. Today is day 11.

Of the 19 left, 5 still have loose air cells and 2 have air cells completely on the side. (Weird!) Hoping 12 make it to lockdown, and assuming half die then, we're still on track for 6 to hatch.
How are duck eggs for eating by the way?

We love them. Mark loves them boiled. I haven't tried them that way yet. I like them for baking and scrambled. Yummy!!

I pulled 5 more Barnie eggs that were clear. Had marked them but left them in on Friday since I couldn't see into them very well, but yup, they were clear when opened. Today is day 11.

Of the 19 left, 5 still have loose air cells and 2 have air cells completely on the side. (Weird!) Hoping 12 make it to lockdown, and assuming half die then, we're still on track for 6 to hatch.

[COLOR=333333]I pulled 5 more Barnie eggs that were clear.  Had marked them but left them in on Friday since I couldn't see into them very well, but yup, they were clear when opened. Today is day 11.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=333333]Of the 19 left, 5 still have loose air cells and 2 have air cells completely on the side. (Weird!)  Hoping 12 make it to lockdown, and assuming half die then, we're still on track for 6 to hatch.  :fl  [/COLOR]

Hope you get more than six!

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