We have wild blackberries in multitudes here. So I don't want to plant those. Our biggest issue with those is getting to them before the deer eat them all! I would, however, love to know about blueberries. Are they difficult to grow? Do they take a few years to fruit for the first time?
Yes, we are going to have to fence the area. The blueberries we had in Nova Scotia were already on the property when we bought it. They were tiny bushes but the berries were sweet. The blueberry bushes i planted in TN died off. I think perhaps i was not diligent enough in watering them, i was more concerned about caring for the farm animals.
I was outside watering my blueberry bushes and thornless blackberry plants today. I am surprised they all still have leaves. I am hoping to pick berries next year but these are high bush berries and i never grew them before. Since the bushes are small, i may have to wait. I do not know.
Man I planted a persimmon tree and a peach tree this past August. Before i could get the fencing up the deer ate all the leaves off both. I'm really hoping they make it over the winter. :(
We have several apple varieties, plum, pear, peach, mulberry and persimmon trees. We also have cherry bushes, grape vines and lots of strawberries. We raise a variety of livestock and compost it all. Our gardens do fabulous with our composted manure. Our biggest problem is wild rabbits, they chew on young stock. We try to keep everything protected from them but they usually manage to do some damage.
We have wild blackberries in multitudes here. So I don't want to plant those. Our biggest issue with those is getting to them before the deer eat them all! I would, however, love to know about blueberries. Are they difficult to grow? Do they take a few years to fruit for the first time?
I had a few blueberry bushes in TN but they died. It was quite dry that year so it may have contributed to their demise. I have seen blueberry bushes for sale with blooms on them so you could get berries quite quickly. The ones i have are high bush, never had them before.
Ooh, i got a Fuji apple tree, 2 plum trees and a peach tree. They are dormant but potted. Got a great deal on them as well. I was amazed i was able to dig deep enough to get them planted. I need to buy some mulch.
The deer chewed up all our apple trees last winter, but they survived and are thriving. But our 4 year old pear tree is not. It is stunted, and all the leaves are eaten by beetles. I have fertilized it, but it doesn't seem to be growing very quickly.It has had blossoms, but they quickly shrivel or get eaten by bugs. We did move it from the original place, but that was three years ago.
Too bad, because I love pears

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