Gender? Breed?


6 Years
May 18, 2016
Hi! I was given two tiny chicks before easter. I called the feed store where i thought they were purchased. They said could be ideal 236. Did some research and not sure of the brown spots. Also im new to chickens. Not sure on the gender! Thanks in advance!


They are 8-9weeks
At 8-9 weeks both birds are male. The bottom bird (red/brown spotting) is a red sex link. The top bird could be a couple of breeds, as he matures a bit more which one will become more clear.
Thanks! Silly question, how can you tell they are cockerels? Is it because the have bigger combs so young? Just trying to learn! Thanks yall!
Thanks! Silly question, how can you tell they are cockerels? Is it because the have bigger combs so young? Just trying to learn! Thanks yall!
Not a silly question at all, what normally gives it away is the size of the comb/wattles at that given age and another way is if they have rooster looking saddle feathers/sickles (you can read more about it here:Is My Chicken a Pullet or Cockerel?) . Also different breeds have different tell by signs, for instance Red sex-links (which is a hybrid not a breed actually) pullets are Red with some white but the cockerels are white with red patches on their wings/shoulders.

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