Gender of 3week 4day Barnevelder, Platinum Sussex and Speckled Sussex

Hi Maxpedley,
Oh my goodness, we had no idea. I thought the chick piccies looked different to what I had seen.
I notice you call the chickie a he. Are you noticing any early indicators at this stage?
Kindly :)
Your "platinum" Sussex is either a silver, white, or lavender. Platinum is not a recognized color. Also it's comb doesn't look to be a single comb.

I agree that the last one in the pictures is a Buff, your bird is way too light colored with no specks.

It is too early to tell gender yet. Give it a few more weeks.
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I can not comment on age, I just automatically refered them to be hes. As for the platinum sussex I can not comment as they do not exist in the UK.
I think the platinum is actually a lavender from the images I have googled. Beautiful bird, but the wattle is developing. Must be 4 weeks and 2 days now. Her comb is not any redder. Do many girl sussex's have this, or is this a big 'hello roo' sign.

Also we were gifted 3 little Millie Fleur D'Uccles on Saturday, I believe they were 10 days old. They are lovely little things (will get some piccies soon, the light is not much good now).

I have had to separate our three mixed juveniles though from the new babies. At first they ignored them, but my hubby came in saying they were being attacked even in their hiding containers and getting a very hard time. They are okay.

BTW I have soaked a bottom a couple of times to remove poo clump from a cloaca. About how old is this less likely too occur.

Will update with pics of the juveniles and the little ones as soon as I get a nice bit if daylight and spare time to capture the true colours.
If you are having to remove faeces then this is a condition known as sticky bottom. You probably have the brooder too cold.
Your little silver Sussex has a very girl like face so I will say pullet for that one
the other two aren't so obvious lol, they are too young though to be sure.
Thanks for the advice on sticky bottom. I will turn things up a little.

It is nice to hear there is still hope for little Silver Sussex.

I did take some photos a few hours ago, but my camera settings were all wrong. More pics to come soon :)

These were just taken of the little D'Uccles. Apparently they were hatched xmas day, but they are so little.. Do they grow as large as Frizzle chickens (we adopted a lost and found frizzle after our adoption of three Isa Browns - the juveniles and babies detailed in the post are the last of the flock).

Thanks for the advice on sticky bottom. I will turn things up a little.

It is nice to hear there is still hope for little Silver Sussex.

I did take some photos a few hours ago, but my camera settings were all wrong. More pics to come soon :)

These were just taken of the little D'Uccles. Apparently they were hatched xmas day, but they are so little.. Do they grow as large as Frizzle chickens (we adopted a lost and found frizzle after our adoption of three Isa Browns - the juveniles and babies detailed in the post are the last of the flock).

I assume you are talking about bantam frizzles. They will be about the same size.
Yep, I guess so. Our adopted frizzle is about half size of a regular chook. Do they come in a regular also?
Piccie updates for the juvenile brood

Lavender or Silver Sussex (getting her wattles)

Buff or Speckled Sussex

Double Lace Barnevelder (has anyone seen that tails at this stage means boy - I read this on or something like that)

Gold Blue Wyandotte (came as a sexed pullet chick, very flighty, I thought these chookies were normally docile)

Any other intuitions on Hens or Roos?

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