Gender of 3week 4day Barnevelder, Platinum Sussex and Speckled Sussex

Hello again.

Today my chickies are at 6 weeks. Here are some updated photos :eek:D
I know I have some boys there, now I am just hoping for some girls.
Hope you have time for some appraisals.

Bella and fams

The Barnevlder

The Wyandotte

The Speckled (or is it a red?, or a buff?) sussex

The Platinum (Lavendar or Silver?) sussex

We love them all, but some will have to Rooster with friends that don't live in city.

These barnies are week and half younger girl is on the left and roo on right. I think its a roo as the comb is big like mine and he had thick legs and the white chest.

I hope I'm wrong but it's pointing to a roo
well it is appearing to be a good split brood. Hopefully we will have two birds in had at the end of it. :D

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