Genetic Hackle; AKA "Fly Tying Chickens" Info for the interested.

Sent you pm.

I would love my boys to have their own project birds. My first thought is what is cheaper than fishing and chickens . . . . . then I thought about it 30 sec longer . . lololol
I would love to breed these birds for the fly tying that is going on in my area....but a couple questions:
I cannot stand the thought of culling an animal only for it's long (how old) do you have to have the rooster untill it's feathers are long enough for the fly tying purpose?
Also how is the meat of these birds? (tastes like chicken is probably the answer LOL)
Where can I purchase eggs for hatching?

I share the same thought about only using the bird for flytying

I am working on making my own bird for meat, eggs, and feathers
but this is a very slow process and you need to have the right genes, space and time

The flytying birds you see available for sale are specifically bred for feather quality

If you want a bird for other qualities you just cross to a type of your choice and go from there

This is what I am doing

If you want to know how those genetic birds taste I don't know
other than I eat my roosters I raise with no problem
most are tender every once in a while you get a tough one
but this is for the birds I raise

most of the birds I see for flytying are between 10 months to over a year for slower growing roosters

we also have several members here every once in a while sell eggs

you can go to and see a beautiful grizzly rooster (barred rock) type

and go from there

Love the video Colin, and Ed thank you for the info....I live in a Range and near a basin that is World renowned for it's flyfishing so I really want to do this...but if there is anyone on this particulair blog selling eggs at this time, please pm me since my next hatch is the 1st of May and my incubator will be available after that...
Tom Whiting is "the" person when it comes to fly tying birds and has spent years and years developing fly tying birds. It is an insanely tough bird to get your hands on when it comes to eggs as well. Good luck on you bird breeding. Would love to see your progress.
I got eggs from beaverkillvalley last year, a ordered a dozen and got two to hatch (he is in N.Y., I am in WA, it's a gamble) BUT those two happened to be a pair, lucky for me! His birds are extremely nice, I'll pay a picture of my roo from him. My hen just started laying and every egg has been going into my hatcher lol, in about 10 days I'm excited to see what pops out!



haloo thank you for the info
kindly i want to start to keep this roosters but here in kenya we dont have them yet the flie tying business is so wide and that means good business
how can you help me to have the eggs since i have incubators to hatch the eggs

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