German New Hampshire

my little draw the line in the sand is working huh? J?K
Really and truly it was more directed out there in the wide open 'cause I figured sooner or later all the people Mrs. Kathy had provided NHs with were going to be too proud of them not to be showing them off. I didn't have your name in the bunch 'cause for the life of me at the time I couldn't remember who else she said had gotten some of the first bunches she was sending out. See like I said even bad publicity is still publicity it works you'll get all kinds of attention some you'll want some you don't.

Oh btw very nice birds
I like all three of the boys and as I said I'm almost too biased to be asking to choose which or what to use as I've not seen too much wrong yet or nothing that can't be fixed with a little time a diligence in breeding.
On the pullet color ques. I say the one on the right is more uniform in color I'm still not sure if its the (dilluted) yellow hackles that are making the girls look dark or if they are just too dark and the yellow hackles are close to being what color they are supposed to be. More info from breeders is needed on this and what little has been given by one breeder was so vague I did'nt get much out of it. We'll all have to stick together on this stuff and hound those guys till we get results/or something to go by.

good job

I agree!!

cpartist, I think this is the first time I have seen pics of your birds, wonderful pics!

I will have to get updated pics of mine. All three of my girls are laying now.
Does the new SOP have different illustrations of the NH? I have never like the 2001 illustrations, in lots of respects I felt they did not follow descriptions - medium chestnut red to me would be more like the pullet on the left. If they are supposed to be orange, then SAY orange. Or orangy red. Chestnut assumes a brown tone, doesn't it?

LOVE those three roos- I noted the combs at the front base have a sort of wrinkled look as does my favorite roo here - is that a bad thing? I don't know beans about combs.
I've been looking at this breed(that I think is just gorgeous) and just wanted to ask some questions about 'em,

-What's the difference between German New Hamps and just New Hamps?

-Are the rooster's aggressive and protective?

-How good of pets are these birds?

-And how's their egglaying performance? And how does their meat taste?



Go back a page on this thread. I basically asked the very same questions yesterday.


Awesome pics of some awesome birds!
Most (but not all) normal New Hampshires are hatchery based birds - they look, weigh, and act much like hatchery Rhode Island Reds/Production Reds.

German New Hampshires are basically what New Hampshires SHOULD be, but the Germans took over breeding them to be the best, and sadly we Americans after a while went for either Cornish X or Sex-Links
Back in the day New Hampshires were highly prized for their meat and eggs, the meat especially, but, things change. Hatcheries took over, and interest in the breed mostly died in the US.

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