Girls and boys are freaking out being seperated!


Oct 17, 2018
East Tennessee
I have moved muscovy girls into the coop to try to train them to lay there but the fellas keep coming around the coop making their huffing noises getting the girls all in a snit. So much so that one of the girls flew and clung to the window and broke the pane to escape! What would happen of boys were let in coop? I am currently hanging curtains to cover the windows to keep the temptation down. 20190414_083010.jpg 20190414_134838.jpg
Where do yours lay?
Anywhere the can. They generally will lay anywhere there is overhead coverage, so they mostly make nests in my shed. I actually discourage my muscovy from laying in my nestboxes. They make such a mess. I do try to encourage floor nests for them. Sometimes mine try to start a nest under the hay manger, or in the horse trough. It's always an adventure with muscovy. :)
Where do yours lay?
I am giving them a while in the coop in hope's that they will like the nesting boxes. They actually have laid eggs 1 in a nesting boxes and two in a baby swimming pool with bedding. Both areas are pretty secluded which is apparently what they want. I have been leaving any eggs so that they may be encouraged to lay more. Do you think that I should take the eggs? They are sitting on the two eggs in the pool. I think actually that two are sharing in the laying and sitting in that spot.
Mine are older now and have taught any young ones to lay inside too.
I am working hard to keep them in the coop. It shouldn't be completely foreign to them they were in it when they were young. Their momma would take them in there at night. It was very cute. They have laid 3 eggs total and it appears that two of them are wanting to sit on those eggs. I think one belongs to each of them. Should I leave them or take the eggs?
Are you trying have ducklings or not? If you don't want to have ducklings then I'd collect the eggs daily. Having them in the appropriate nest spot will not encourage them to lay more eggs, but may encourage them to lay in the desired spot, you can do this with round rocks, golf balls, fake eggs, but if you aren't trying to hatch ducklings I wouldn't leave eggs laying about, you then are inviting egg eating predators, at risk of a real stinker, or at risk of broken eggs.

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