Do you have goats?

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I have goats with and without horns. My goats are kept near the house, protected by fencing and (occasionally) a LGD. Those with horns have never been required to use them for protection. They've never hurt each other with their horns either... I am neither for or against horns. I think there are many factors, including individual situations, that drive the choice whether to disbud or not.
You can say your goats haven't had to use there horns but there is no way of knowing that unless you are in the heard 24/7. For all you know they have used them in defensive situations that you never witnessed and because of the horns there was no evidence and everything was fine. Predators strike during the day too, just because you put them up at night doesn't mean they won't be slaughtered during the day. We have bears here, bobcats, mountain lions, coyotes, foxes and wild dogs. Horns might not save them from all these predators but I'm sure they are more helpful than hindering
I checked on Annie today and couldn't feel the ligaments around her tail... I hope that's a sign that her kidding is near and not just my inexperience at feeling for them! 🤞

Poor baby is so lonely being separated from the herd. Breaks my heart to leave her locked away... I try to spend time with her every day. Brushing her and giving pets & treats.
Baby Watch is officially online! 👏


Hey goat lovers, I don't know how many of you are over on the sister site BackYard Herds but I could really use a good, experienced goat caretaker/breeder with a few questions today please. Mom was a tad earlier than expected by a few days and also rejected so I'm running around trying to find answers as best as I can:
Navel dip question - and - Photo thread asking about head shape

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