Gold Laced Orpington project


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 24, 2014
Good morning!
I wanted to update everyone of the progress of the Gold Laced Orpington Project. I sent off an early draft of the Standard of Perfection to the President,(Dave Anderson)- and Secretary, (Pat Horstman). We will work on the breeding and development and start showing as much as possible this coming year. We invite everyone who is breeding the Gold Laced Orpingtons, to please stop by the GLO webpage and have a look. We also invite everyone who is breeding these beautiful birds to get them into the shows. Our petition for recognition of this variety is in its infancy and we sure could use all the help we can get. Please find us at: The Gold Laced Orpington Project page on FB.
I can't wait to get on board with this when I replace the breeding pair I lost....Thanks for all the hard work! This was the pullet. I loved her type....oh well.


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