Golden Wyandotte not laying at 31 weeks


Oct 17, 2015
I have a gorgeous Golden Wyandotte. She's 31 weeks old and hasn't laid yet.
She's been squatting for about 8 weeks yet not one egg. She spent a few days practicing in the nesting box early on, but I haven't seen her go in again for weeks.
Is she a lost cause? She's very bossy, the leader of the flock yet she hasn't produced. I thought squatting was a good sign, but after all these weeks, maybe not. Any advice?
Do you free range? She may be laying in her range area.

Some breeds lay much later than others.

Signs of onset of lay---I've found the pelvic points to be the most accurate.
If you touch their back they will hunker down on the ground, then shake their tail feathers when they get back up.
This shows they are sexually mature and egg laying is close at hand.

Combs and Wattles:
Plump, shiny red - usually means laying.
Shriveled, dryish looking and pale - usually means not laying.
Tho I have found that the combs and wattles can look full and red one minute then pale back out the next due to exertion or excitement, can drive ya nuts when waiting for a pullet to lay!

2 bony points(pelvic bones) on either side of vent:
Less than 2 fingertip widths apart usually means not laying.
More than 2 fingertip widths apart usually means laying.
i have 2 brown leghorns(?) that are 31 weeks old and they haven't laid any eggs yet either. i am wondering now if they will with the days getting shorter. i'm still waiting on them but have come to believe i might have to wait until spring. i thought leghorns would lay a lot earlier in age. here is a photo of one of them .
I have 2 other mixed breeds that have been laying since august 26th and they are not free ranged, so no hidden eggs.
I tried to check the bony pelvic bones. . . . I'll have to try again when I'm not holding eggs from my good chickens. :)
Her comb is bright red, and has been for a long time.
She's gorgeous.
They are kind of free range, in a large fenced area. I've checked all the possible hidden spots and no eggs. I keep thinking that one day I'll stumble upon a giant pile of eggs, but I think that's a fairy tale. :)
For awhile I thought she was eating eggs because once I dropped one and she ran for it like it was gold. But, no eggs are eaten in the nesting box ever. I'll try to post a photo of her.
I tried to check the bony pelvic bones. . . . I'll have to try again when I'm not holding eggs from my good chickens. :)
Her comb is bright red, and has been for a long time.
She's gorgeous.
They are kind of free range, in a large fenced area. I've checked all the possible hidden spots and no eggs. I keep thinking that one day I'll stumble upon a giant pile of eggs, but I think that's a fairy tale. :)
For awhile I thought she was eating eggs because once I dropped one and she ran for it like it was gold. But, no eggs are eaten in the nesting box ever. I'll try to post a photo of her.
Well, they'll run and check about anything you drop....but if she started pecking madly at it then that's a different story.
You might try keeping her cooped up for a few days, if her points are spread.
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My Golden Laced (Myrtle) started at 24 weeks and laid an egg every day for 4 days after her first!
BUT, my Silver Laced (Lucky) is 27 weeks and no eggs from her yet. Same hatchery. I'm not an expert by any means but Myrtle was "squatty" about a week or two before her first egg and Lucky is still not squatty. :(


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My GLW took FOREVER to lay, at least it felt like it! She was over 6 months by the time she started laying. She started squatting and then her comb and wattles started growing and turned red. They can be very sneaky with where they hide those nests so it could be that you have a wee sneaky nest well hidden. :)

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