got my hovabator genisis 1588 ! now what should i put in it?


artistic fowlism
16 Years
Mar 28, 2008
Yamhill County, Oregon
the possiblititys are endless!!! tell me what you think i should stick in it, i got it for my birthday
im so happpy
wanna help a brotha out ? ill test your eggs
(insert cheesy smile that trys to distract from my mooching ) yay !!!! so tell me what to do ! ill take anything under the sun.
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Before you start hatching everyones show bird eggs, find a friend or neighbor that has some mutt eggs. After your attempts of hatching them you will learn this is not easy. Learn from your mistakes and the winsdom of some of those on this site. Then is a few years you will be able to hatch any egg mutt or show with a great hatch rate. Learn the quirks of your incubator, each one not the model is different. The one I use the most as well as trust the most,
is hated by many. That being the L G 9200 still air. Good luck and hope you have many great hatches.
Very good advice. I gave the same advice to a friend with a new bator, and they didn't take it (you KNOW who you are!). She had 7 (I think) of the eggs she got from me hatch (at $2 a dozen), and had 3 chicks from the eggs she paid $25 for hatch. Try a couple of test runs with eggs you aren't too attached to first. You can always sell the chicks. Then you get the experience, and will have better luck with the eggs you REALLY want!

And I also love my LG. I don't have half the trouble that others seem to have with it!
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lol ive incubated alot before
but this is my first incubator that i own
and i want mutts
i like them
but i just want to know what yall think i should try to hatch .. kinda like the1much , how he got his sportsman and a bunch of eggs.. i was gonna do something similar

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