Got some chickies yesterday....


9 Years
Oct 31, 2010
On the side of a knoll...
Well, I got 4 chicks yesterday and they were being sold as Ameraucana's but their sign said they will lay blue, green, and pink... Isn't that EE? Doesn't really matter to me, I just wanted to add some pullets that would provide me with more colors than just the usual brown. I'll get some pics today. I thought I got a good deal on them though. $2.50 each. Around here they've been going for $3.

I've been trying to find some Black Copper Marans as well but the ones I've seen close by... Well, I've seen pics of their eggs and they're not the quality I'm looking for.

Anyways.... I guess that's it for now, lol.
Their are a few different breeds that lay colored eggs. EE's are only one, americauna's are colored egg layers! Can't wait to see pics!
True Ameraucanas lay blue eggs only. What you have are EE's. Good luck on getting colored eggs.

There is a Marans thread pretty active on here in the genetics section. You might discuss your desires on there. You are right to be a bit careful and look at egg colors before you buy.
Yea, I figured they were EE's but I'm ok with that. I just don't like false advertisement.

I'd like to post pics today, I'll have to take some first, been gone all day and will be gone for a short time tonight. They're super cute. A couple look like they have eye liner on, lol.
lincoln is my favourite person. and you are wise to know that when someone says that their way is the only good way, they are separating themselves from being able to relate to their fellows and, in their arrogance, destroying unity, which is such a precious thing.
Wasn't able to take those pics last night so I'll take some this morning after I get my kids to school.
I got pics. The new chicks are mixed in with the chicks my hubby hatched but it's obvious which are which, the new ones are the chicks with all the markings. The darker brown ones are supposedly the same breed as the lighter ones but I want to know what everyone else thinks. Oh, there are a couple black ones in the shots, they're not the new ones, lol.

Americana's can lay multiple colors of eggs, but chicks can be mislabeled! You'll just have to wait and see!
They do kind of look like EE's!

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