Granny's gone and done it again

No kids today. And we lost one of Peachy’s babies to an accidental squishing. New staff was lowering the brooder and the chick got underneath. “It was limping a little, I’ll check it in the morning.” But I had a feeling. We all know accidents happen. I’m just relieved it was one of the little roos.
No kids today. And we lost one of Peachy’s babies to an accidental squishing. New staff was lowering the brooder and the chick got underneath. “It was limping a little, I’ll check it in the morning.” But I had a feeling. We all know accidents happen. I’m just relieved it was one of the little roos.
Sorry to hear. :hugs
first guinea I ever had . I got 3 of them and they got feathered so I decided to put them w/ the chickens but I wanted to make them a place to retreat where the others couldnt go. I used rocks. Rock slipped out of my hand and the was the first death by my hands I ever had to deal with.

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