(GRAPHIC) Neighbor's dog got through my fences, killed them ALL

You present the court with documentation such as receipts showing what you have in your birds, police reports of the incident(s) photos of live birds before the incident and dead birds at the scene .Game camera footage on an sd card helps. Receipts for replacement birds and repairs to the coop are reimbursed unless you can't prove their dog killed them.
Ahh, okay. Thanks for explaining it more
Ahh, okay. Thanks for explaining it more
I'm sorry but because because it falls under civil law you can't collect via the criminal court system. If it were a criminal matter the police officer report would collect the information needed and all parties would be summoned to court for trial.In a civil matter these types of cases are usually handled by an attorney(s) and are settled out of court.If you are awarded money and the defendant doesn't pay then you can file judgement against them.
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A BYC member several years ago had some incidences with a dog. She went to the dog's owner but he denied it was his dog killing her birds. It apparently happened several times. The next time it came onto her property she shot it with a paintball. I don't know if it's legal but people have paintball wars. I don't recall the outcome. Pictures are good. Good luck...
maybe you should start open carrying on your property and next time the dogs come on your property maybe its time for some target practice i had a dog come around and i shot the dirt under its belly that was a couple months ago and i have not seen it around the area since ---- i dont know if it was scared enough not too come back or if the owner seen the shot --- yes i could have hit it but i did not want to finish the issue and start another one [something broke thru my 3 layers of birdnetting over my run last spring killed around 20 birds] fence was 3foot high and bird netting from 6 inches down wire then up to about 6 feet and my guess is a dog jumped the wire and busted thru the netting --- it took several tries to get out as there were 4 holes in the netting ???
if i knew for a fact it was the neighbor i think i would hang them from a clothes line like rope near the property line and hope the wind blows towards their house

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