Guess I'm done breeding chickens... got a letter from the city

I love that idea.
I hope you get to keep your hens. They are no different than a dog who barks occasionally. When I asked what the local laws were here they said I could have 24 poultry, roos were allowed, but if they were noisy and someone complained I would loose the whole flock due to noise ordinances. I just got hens. The roos would drive me batty but worse than that I know the neighbor would complain. Even so I am so irritated that whoever was ok with the roos didn't have the nuts to come say "hey the roos are getting to be a bit much, could you please thin them out" before complaining to the authorities. If they knew Mahonri at all they would know he'd be fair with them. So I've come to the conclusion that the neighbor is a big ol butthead.
and I'm another one so glad to see the chickens will be taken care of the way he wanted them. It will be nice to see pics of them on here. Thanks for joining.

Mahonri, I am so sorry. I really injoyed doing the NYD hatch with you.
Bostonbryce, thanks for providing a home for these birds. We are all aware of how much these chickens meant to Mahonri. If this can happen to someone like Mahonri with his set up, think how many others are vulnerable.
Mahonri, hoping things go well today and that you are allowed to keep 20 of your layers. Sourland George
Welcome to BYC, Boston and thank you for taking up for Mahroni's flock. At least you are off a good start with his flock where he left off at!
Thats horrible! Why would they come up with this now??? Unbelievable!!! I hope you can at least keep your 20 hens. I too live in the city, and have been staying "under the radar", but have had the ACO over here. They told me that if they have to come back out, that they would have to cite me. Thank god, its been over 2 years since they've been out. Please keep us posted.

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