Guess I'm done breeding chickens... got a letter from the city

I missed it--is there an ordinance or covenant in the neighborhood against chickens or is it one of those stupid ones giving the neighbors control over your property? I skimmed and just didn't see that part. Those are the ones I detest--either let the law say you can have them or say you cannot, but don't let the neighbors have the power to pull the strings like you're some marionette.
I think he has something similar.

That really frosts my onions. No neighbor came to you with an affadavit to give them permission to have a barking dog, did they? Of course not. Oh, don't get me started. Dogs bark most of the night sometimes, whereas chickens rarely make any noise at all during the dark hours unless they're disturbed by lights flashing or predators breaking into the coop.The problem with dogs is they are more persistent with their noise and chickens are intermittent.
This is just so surreal! I mean really-all this time you have had chickens and nothing..Then out of nowhere you have to be almost done 100% with them?? Something is seriously wrong with this whole situation--not you-but your neighbors and what not!
Agreed, that is insane that they require neighbor permission for chickens. What happens when you have a neighbor who agrees, then they sell and move...then your new neighbor just gets to say "No, I don't like it" and you have to get rid of the animals you've had for years all of a sudden. That's assinine and I'm baffled by how that kind of ordinance can get put in motion or approved.
See they have a HUGE tree and over a third of it sits over my property. It has beautifully shaded the coop, but without chickens I don't want it there.. It is a pain in the hind end to have to clean the pool 3 times a day, 365 days a year. It's either leaves, or blossoms or seeds... and if I can't have chickens, I want it gone.

The ordinance says if your coop sits within 80 ft of a neighbors residence they must sign an affidavit giving you permission.

Yet, they don't need me to give them permission to plant a tree that causes me great distress.

Have my chickens caused them any work? No, My back yard without my chickens is horrible because of their HUGE tree.

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