Hamburg thread!

Yes, they lay a smallish white egg that has a pearly sheen to it. Mine lays eggs that are more of an off-white...not like a bright white grocery store egg; a friend describes them as "almond colored" which is quite accurate. Do you have any other white egg layers? The size of the eggs will increase as the girls age so if you do have any other white layers and they're still young and have just begun, that could explain the smaller size.


Hi again, thanks for helping me with this chicken mystery. My mum has never really warmed to her and thinks its a lesbian lol. But I think she is gorgeous, especially as she looks pretty enough to be a Roo.

I have a few chooks that lay white eggs, but at the beginning we only had one light breed, her. This morning I took some pics of her this morning, she was getting ready to lay.


No talons?

Still trying to find the right spot to lay.

Waiting in line for the favorite nesting box.



When she has laid I will show you my eggs and which one I think is hers. If it is a hen, what does that mean? Should I breed her to a Hamburg Roo? Would she be good for breeding from?

Hi again, thanks for helping me with this chicken mystery. My mum has never really warmed to her and thinks its a lesbian lol. But I think she is gorgeous, especially as she looks pretty enough to be a Roo.

I have a few chooks that lay white eggs, but at the beginning we only had one light breed, her. This morning I took some pics of her this morning, she was getting ready to lay

No talons?

Still trying to find the right spot to lay.

Waiting in line for the favorite nesting box.


When she has laid I will show you my eggs and which one I think is hers. If it is a hen, what does that mean? Should I breed her to a Hamburg Roo? Would she be good for breeding from?


Thank you for the clear pictures! You most certainly do have a female. It wasn't so easy to tell from your first few photos.

It's very common for hens of all breeds to have nubs where spurs would grow so that's not the most accurate way to decipher gender.

Hamburgs are a breed that's generally very weary of humans and I don't believe they're the right breed for everyone. You'd be hard pressed to turn lap chickens out of them. That said, I find them to be such a lovely bird in every way.

If you're interested in breeding to the standard, you may want to check with your local APA members and check out some of the byc threads on here for discussions on breeding to the Standard of Profection to get a better idea as to whether she should be included in a breeding program. And yes, you'd want to breed her to another Silver Penciled Hamburg.
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Hiya. I was wondering if anyone else thought this chick could be a Hamburg cross? I wonder as it has quite large eyes. My Hamburg is silver pencilled I think. My Roo is a GLWyandotte.

As my Roo is Gold and the Hen Silver, would it be a pullet?

New to this thanks :)
I keep hearing how skittish these little darlings are. I just ordered mine and was wondering if anyone here has ever "handraised" their chicks. I have done this with other breeds, simply from necessity at the time due to horrid spring weather in the NE, and 9 out of 10 of the dang things ended up acting like puppy dogs (rather annoying really. Lol).

I will have these guys in the house and they will each be handled constantly throughout thedy with handfeeding of special treats as they get older (mealworms, raisins, etc). I am wondering if this might make them at least a BIT more "stable" around humans. I am not looking for lap chickens... just ones that don't commit suicide everytime a person walks by!

Also, I was wondering about the frailness of the chicks as I have read that they can be a bit less hardy until they feather out and such. I'm only allowed 8, so I only ordered 8... should I have ordered a few extras? Originally, I only wanted 3-4... but now all the neighbors are actually excited I am getting chickens and would love some fresh eggs. I live in town, on main street, happy neighbors are a must! Lol
I didn't find the chicks to be frail.... though I think maybe there was one that died right after/or at arrival (hatchery order)

other than that, no problems.

Mine are flighty like leghorns are.... so no, they are not crazy panicked when I show up, and they love treats.. but HARD to actually catch.
My ssh rooster Gandalf! ! We ordered from My Pet chicken he was suppose to be a pullet ooops but we love him anyway !! Hes beautiful and very protective of the girls .


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