Harry horse & Charlie adventures! Horse chat & much more! Everyone welcome!

:lol: Yeah Charlie’s dad is not small. Then again I don’t have lady like hands! Charlie seems to be having some kind of growing spurt again, he seems to have gone even lankier so I’m hoping after that he will start to fill out again. Right now he seems to be a tad out of proportion!
Hi Debby :frow

He’s collecting Keeper this afternoon when he’s finished school :clapHe’s 8 weeks and 1 day old so his mother has had enough of him and his brothers now! I’m not surprised either as I think I would too with evil little puppy teeth attached to me :thKeeper has had his microchip done and first vaccination shot so he’s all ready. Will post some pics later today.

Harry is not too bad thank you but feeling his age I’m afraid. I had the Physiotherapy lady out to check him out and she too says he’s getting old and has old age stiffness. He enjoyed her doing his back though! By the time she finished after about an hour he was nodding off!

He’s losing muscle on his topline even though I’m feeding as much as I possibly can. I’m in the process of changing his work schedule to try and help build some back up and keep him supple. It’s a fine line though between doing too much with and not enough to keep him going. So we shall see how it goes with him :pop
Today's the day! Can't wait to see new pictures of Keeper and Charlie must be counting the minutes :D

As for Harry, I know how he feels with the stiffness, lol. :old You've been such an excellent friend & mum to him.
The bundle of fun is here :lol: He won’t sit still for a good pic so will try again later but I captured this. I’m so glad Charlie got to know him before he came home.

Awww looks like they love each other a lot already! I bet getting to know him before he came home definitely helped
Oh boy, let the adventures begin! Thanks for sharing the vid Kim, that was fun to see :thumbsup

I’m sure it is going to be an adventure too!

Awww looks like they love each other a lot already! I bet getting to know him before he came home definitely helped

I think they do too :) I’m sure it’s helped, he’s following Charlie around :love

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