Harry horse & Charlie adventures! Horse chat & much more! Everyone welcome!

He’s doing really well thank you Wishing :) Growing fast and is in to everything! He’s outside during the day, 6am to 8pm coming out to play as and when. But as soon as he’s in the house at 8pm it’s a mad race to get as many shoes as possible on to the rug! He’s not actually chewing them up but rather making a collection of shoes. I have drawn the line at him dragging Charlie’s muddy boots into the room though, they are just too dirty :sick

Here he is last week enjoying some sun :cool:

Thanks :) He certainly is agile! He just ploughs on through things and nothing seems to phase him. He’s been really good with my chickens apart from my older hen Ginny. The first time he looked at them the chickens just moved to the other side of run and that was that but not Ginny! She pecked him through the wire, fluffed herself up and thought I’m not having that dog near me! So now he thinks it’s a game with her. He yaps at her and she just stands her ground. A few minutes though and he’s bored of that game and moves on to something else. Overall he’s been much better with them than I thought he would be.
Thanks :) He certainly is agile! He just ploughs on through things and nothing seems to phase him. He’s been really good with my chickens apart from my older hen Ginny. The first time he looked at them the chickens just moved to the other side of run and that was that but not Ginny! She pecked him through the wire, fluffed herself up and thought I’m not having that dog near me! So now he thinks it’s a game with her. He yaps at her and she just stands her ground. A few minutes though and he’s bored of that game and moves on to something else. Overall he’s been much better with them than I thought he would be.

Wow that's awesome! He sounds like a great guy! My dog used to think chasing the cat was a game so maybe he'll grow out of it haha but as long as he's not bothering the others I suppose it's probably okay and could really be a game

And yeah, most puppies, at least that I've seen, are giant klutzes lol
He’s doing really well thank you Wishing :) Growing fast and is in to everything! He’s outside during the day, 6am to 8pm coming out to play as and when. But as soon as he’s in the house at 8pm it’s a mad race to get as many shoes as possible on to the rug! He’s not actually chewing them up but rather making a collection of shoes. I have drawn the line at him dragging Charlie’s muddy boots into the room though, they are just too dirty :sick

Here he is last week enjoying some sun :cool:

Keeper is adorable Kim! I bet he keeps the whole house hopping :lol:

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