Hatching Eggs!!!: 40+ Breeds to choose from: Starting at $3/each

just shoot me a message on friday evening if you think about it. I will probably candle that night, but will be out of town without cell or internet for a week. I do have someone shipping eggs for me next week so I could do that if you want to go eggs, but I just have to candle for fertility first. :)
Here are some of the Blue and Golden Laced Orp I hatched from Papa Brooders eggs. I ordered 6 eggs, he sent 8, I had 6 hatch!!! I think 4 or 5 are boys so 1 or 2 girls. They are 68 days old in these photos.

i sent u a pm regarded if u check and see if the eggs u ship r furtile or just throw watever comes out?

I did respond that day but thought I should answer here as well. It's impossible to determine fertility prior to shipping. No one can guarantee their shipped eggs are fertile. We can only report what fertility has been the previous week or if we crack open a sample set of eggs, we can report what the fertility was on those eggs. I am usually setting eggs just about every week so I have a good idea of what fertility rates I am getting on any given breed. I also always include extras to make up for any possible broken eggs during shipment or to make up for less than 100% fertility. My goal is that you will receive as many fertile eggs as you ordered. The whole process is even a bit more complicated by the fact that rough handling by the USPS or high temps in transit can cause a fertile egg to not develop and often appear infertile when candled. Eggs that are "scrambled" by the USPS with detached air cells, etc often are impossible to determine if they were fertile to begin with.

It is for this reason that purchasing shipped eggs is a risk. I do everything within my power to get you the freshest and best fertile eggs but there are many things that simply cannot be controlled. That is why there are "no guarantees on shipped eggs." However, I am quite fair and do my best to help out folks who want to purchase shipped eggs whenever I possibly can, even and especially if there is little or no development on the shipped eggs. I cannot overemphasize though that I cannot control how they are handled. I pack them well. Rarely do I get reports of any broken eggs. But, I have set half an amount of eggs and shipped the other half and have someone tell me I have NO fertility while the eggs I kept developed at 100% fertility. It has just happened too many times for me to not recognize that I cannot control the journey of the eggs and therefore I cannot control the results. If you are buying eggs from me locally, it's a completely different story. :) There are guarantees on those eggs, not for hatching rate, but for fertility.

I know the process can be super frustrating. I purchase and trade for shipped eggs all the time, so I know the drill and I know the risk. :)

Hope that helps.
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Well written. For what it is worth, My order (last year) from you was extremely well packed, included extras and produced excellent results. If you only count the eggs i paid for, the hatch rate was astounding!
Hi:) Do you have any pictures of your white Orpingtons? I'm also interested in some BBS eggs.
I have them somewhere. Sorry, I will look, but I know I have posted them before somewhere. This is one of the boys that didn't make the breeder cut, but I have pics from when I sold them. So, my roos are better type than this one.

I purchased eggs from you about 3 months ago. Slid them under my broody and had a good hatch rate considering more than half were scrambled by the usps despite your excellent packaging. I rehomed the roos and have two left. They are beautiful birds and I wouldn't hesitate to order from you again!
Here is the splash silkie at 13.5 weeks...still not sure if it's a pullet???

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