*Heat Of Battle*A Warrior Cat Role Play

You dig around in the wallowing pit for a while... And pull out a(n) Rock!

"Go ahead and raise her, but I don't know what you expect to come of it." Thunderpaw snapped, "Ravenstar will never let a fox join the Clan, if that's what your goal is!"
Morningpaw snarled."You want a innocent kit to die, Thunderpaw?do you?What harm has she ever brought to you?"


Spirtkit tumbled out of the log, and sat on the ground, her ears flat."Why are you fighting?Stop, Please!"She mewled quietly.
Morningpaw snarled."You want a innocent kit to die, Thunderpaw?do you?What harm has she ever brought to you?"


Spirtkit tumbled out of the log, and sat on the ground, her ears flat."Why are you fighting?Stop, Please!"She mewled quietly.
"She hasn't done anything! But foxes have, Morningpaw!" Thunderpaw hissed, he snapped his gaze to Spiritkit, "Foxes don't speak cat..."
Scientific name for red fox. :p

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