Help! Dog bumped incubator.. Egg cracked on day 20


9 Years
Feb 11, 2010
North Tustin, CA
So I have my incubator on my kitchen counter... And my golden retriever knocked my incubator into the kitchen sink. It caused one egg's fat end of the shell to completely fall off (like half of the fat end shell is completely gone!) all that is left is the membrane (which is conpletely in tact) I can see some blood vessels in the membrane... No bleeding... I wrapped the chick in a warm and damp paper towel and out it back in the bator as quickly as I could. What are the chances of it hatching???
I'm nervous because the egg is completely wrapped in a paper towel and I can't see what's going on through in my incubator window. I want to avoid opening the incubator and checking on it unnecessarily.
I had something similar happen. I was trying to help a chick with a wrong end pip and when I went to take the egg out of the bator, it slipped from my hands and hit the bottom of the bator and shattered. I wrapped the egg in a towel and let the chik do the rest. He hatched out on his own and is a happy healthy 6 week old little roo. Just make sure not to touch the egg at all after wrapping it, but make sure the towel isnt too damp and dont cover the fat end too much, he will need that area for breathing! Set it on its side so he can work his way around. He will do the rest when he is ready.

Sumi was a wonderful help and comfort during that very difficult and touchy time.
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Thank you for your encouragement... The chick didnt make it. I do not know of it was because of the trauma of the shell breaking, or temp/humidity. Either way, I am still sad. Darn dog!
Dont be to upset, accidents do happen!!
At least you have your other chicks/eggs!!

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