Help! Dog Won't Stop Shedding

I have german shepherds. They should have been called Sheds, not Dogs

I have a central vaccuum that makes short work of their undercoat, and when they are in shedding season i get a honing brush or 'furminator' that removes all the fur at once and makes a mess of it, so do it outside.

I also got rid of my carpet and now have laminate floors.

I have never had a day where I dont see doghair on something. I'd rather have that, than other gifts they could leave!
My shepherd was mixed with Husky....his undercoat could have warmed the north pole!
Several months before he died, I had a local lady spin some of his fur into doesn't make the best yarn, but it's something to hold on to and I have it draped over his picture in our living room. I learned to love his fur right along with him!
I just love German Shepherds! They are amazing dogs! (our greyhound is too!)
There is also a tool that is called the coat king, but petedge has a cheaper version. The coat king and its other varieties are considered a dematting tool, however, it is awesome for removing undercoat.

In the last ten years I have spent showing dogs I have learned so many dual purposes for tools that I would have not ever imagined. I bought my coat king about 6 years ago and it is my favorite tool in my tack box.

When I was a kid, I met a woman who took her dog's "discarded" fur, spun it and made winter hats and mittens out of it. For real. They were gorgeous, pretty colors, soft and they didnt smell or anything. She only used the soft undercoat, so I dont know if you could use lab fur...
Anyway, at the time I liked them in spite of myself, and now I think its a pretty darn cool idea...
If I had known that labs shed as much as they do, I would have thought twice before getting ours. I have heard lots of good things about the furminator....we just can't afford the price. So we just brush and sweep and vacuum and brush and sweep and vacuum and brush and sweep and vacuum. You get the idea.
When we bring our Labs in for a visit with family, we spread "The Dog Blanket" that covers most of the living room floor. The dogs are required to stay on the blanket or the hard floors while they are in. After they go out, the dog blanket is carefully gathered, taken outside for a shake and put in the laundry. Even with all that, we still vacuum up some hair and sweep up some from the hard floors. Its the trade off for having such great dogs! I lova da' Labs!
Not sure why you'd want the poor dog to KEEP the hair - thats really going against what nature intended.

I think the trick is to get it off FASTER and when it suits you - than for it to come of one hair at a time over a period of months!

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