HELP!!!! Hole in her head 4 mth old hen

I'm BUMPing and
ing my-self
I could not see yur pix but fyi - I had a hen who got attacked by the rooster. She had a gaping wound about 3/4 of an inch by half an inch. It was down to the skull. I bought wound wash saline and cleaned it up. it streams out and cleans the wound. You can buy a kind with anesthetic too. Then I put antibiotic ointment on it. I kept her in for almost two weeks. She ended up fine, and this after a really serious wound, she had pretty much given up. So i side with the folks who are saying: clean up the wound, keep her inside. Also, make sure she keeps eating and drinking. I keep extra canned corn and yummy people food around to give sick or injured hens because they seem uninterested in their usual fare when ill. When they don't eat there is a quick downward spiral. So I keep trying things until I find something they will eat. If need be I forcefeed them with a syringe the vet gave me. That is a bit tricky because you have to make sure it does not get in their lungs. Anyway, when I have the time, which does not always happen, I don't give up on my birds. Most of the time it pays off.

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