HELP! One of my 3 day old chicks can't poop!

Tonight it is almost like his anus is so swollen that he cant eliminate very well. Also I noticed what does come out is white, not brown like the rest of the chicks. He also doesn't smell very good. Any ideas what is going on? I never actually saw dried poop on his butt that started all this. It is almost like he got impacted on the inside and pushed so hard to clear it that now he has injured his rear. Anyone had this happen? I am wondering if I should put him out of his misery..............
I wonder if you couldn't "help" him poop in some way? I know there are things you can do for hens when they are egg bound. Maybe something like that would help?
Aw, poor little fella! Just keeping rubbing it, and don't forget the oil and warm water. Here's still a chance. Hope she gets better!!
If he hasn't been eating like he should, and with this affliction, that could explain him not having much to eliminate and it being is he now?
I'd say monitor and still give him a chance. If he gets worse and starts panting heavily then think about culling but check back here first.
Good luck

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