Help please...1st time to try and hatch baby ducks

Here is a picture
After rereading your original post, I have a couple questions. Did one or several ducks lay the eggs over time, or did you put eggs under the mom at one time? And if you are day 26 now, is that from the time you put then in the incubator, or when she started sitting? And day 1 doesn't start until after the first 24 hours. I like to think day 0, then day 1.

But anyway, I'm wondering about timing, and also how long the pip might have been there before you saw it.

Looking at your pic, once they are active enough to make that big a hole, it will usually proceed to zip, so if it doesn't start zipping soon, you might consider if you plan to assist. Can you see inside the hole and tell if anything looks stuck, like membrane stuck to the baby?
We found the eggs at our house after 3 had been attacked. One was in the street and a couple were pecked open. We watched the nest for 24 hours and no ducks came. The next day we bought the incubator at put 7 in...I waited another 24 hours and then put the other 7 in.

I am not sure if the mother duck ever started to sit on them or not... with that being said we live in Oklahoma and it is hot here. So maybe she started and left after they were attacked?

I was just trying to save the sweet babies but this is a first for me.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

PS...I noticed the tiny pip when I went to move them to lockdown about 5 PM yesterday.
Also...we do have 2 pairs of ducks who come to the house daily so it is possible that there might be more than one mom? But I am just guessing.

It was egg #1 that has pipped so I freaked and just locked them all down without a final candle and there were 2 that were iffy...but I did not candle them for lockdown.

Please do I try and save the little baby? Can I wait and do it when I get home at 5 tomorrow?
I ended up helping (right or wrong). I turned on the shower all the way hot, turned on a floor heater and got a wash rag very warm. Quickly grabbed the baby and took him to the bathroom.

Chipped away the shell with tweezers and dabbed water on the membrane which was hard as a rock. Took about half of the shell but stopped when I got close to his body. No sign of any blood.

Wrapped him in a warm paper towel and put him back in the incubator. He chirped for a while and is finally asleep. I have no regrets...the little guy was other going anywhere on his own.

Not sure if he will make it or if I will need to help more tomorrow. I have a lot more reading to do...

Any help would be great. I will attach a picture.
Looks like you did fine. What are you moistening the membrane with? Water will dry up quickly and need moistened often, so I use Vaseline. Others use antibiotic ointment like Neosporin, etc. Just make sure NO pain reliever in it. If you have something like that on hand, it will keep it moist longer than water.

I'm on mobile at the moment, so can't tell for sure from the pic, but it looks like you have it in a position to wiggle out when its ready. Ducklings really test our patience, but they take a while to absorb all the blood and the yolk, so I'd just let him rest and then let him push out on his own.

And in a pinch, here's a link with some good assist folks, if you need quick help and don't get quick enough responses here. I fell asleep before your post last night and sometimes the overnights are quiet.

Good luck! I'll be anxious for another update today :fl
Baby made it through the night! I was using water so I will put vaseline on tonight when I get home.

I really hope the sweet little thing makes it!

Can he go all day without the vaseline or should I have my mom put it on...she is very close?

Thanks so much!
Does the incubator have a fan? Sometimes the fan will dry them out faster, and I would bet that it would be dry after a few hours. But still-air will last a little longer.

Maybe you could get her to check it and apply Vaseline if it looks too dry?
Yes, it has a fan. I talked to my mom and she is going to apply the vaseline.

Thank you so much for your help! I will post more when I get an update!

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