HELP!!! What just killed my daughters pet chickens???


11 Years
Jul 23, 2008
Hi, We have five 6month old hens. They are VERY tame as my daughters have raised them and play w/ them daily. They are free to roam our yard and always stay w/ in a few hundred feet of their coop. These chickens are in every night by 6pm and let out around 9am.

My daughters let them out around 9am. At 9:30am I glanced out the window - they were feasting on the usual tasty bugs.

9:40 went outside and saw 5 large piles of yellow feathers. Our hen was gone - no sign of her around, no tracks, no blood. NOTHING.

As we started looking around more my daughter stumbled up another location full of feathers. There were 3 large piles of black feathers. This attack was roughly 150 feet from the first attack. Same thing. Feathers all over - no hen, no tracks, no blood. NOTHING

We found the other three safe high up in an evergreen.

So I"m wondering what would attack at this time of day? What kind of attack could take place in 10 minutes. I never heard a thing. And how could both chickens be gone and the attacks take place roughly 150 feet apart? There are no feather trails in sight.

My 5 year old daughters are so upset as they worked so hard w/ these and we want to make sure we can keep the others safe.

We live in Eastern Kansas.

Anyone out there have any ideas? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Many Thanks!!!
No bright ideas, but so sorry for your loss. Do they have a secure, fenced run? Might want to keep them in a run for the time being.

But you can't leave your chickens looose or this will always happen. Any animal could have done it.
I agree with the above... it could have been a dog, fox, coyote or hawk. I'd lock them up or put them in a run.
Sorry that your chickens were attacked. I think it might have been a bird of prey. They would swoop down and take the chickens to its nest{if it had babies}. It one time happened to us too.
Could also have been an owl. Some are very large and perfectly capable of taking a chicken in a flash. I heard about 1 snatching up a yorkie!

Sorry about your little girl's chickies....

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