Hen with large mass below breast bone


Free Ranging
Premium Feather Member
10 Years
Jan 16, 2014
North Carolina
I have a one year old lavender orpington who has some sort of mass below the breast bone. (Not her crop, much lower.) She seems herself in every other way, normal behavior, eating and drinking well, poops look normal. In researching possibilities, the only thing I can come up with is this is the result of some type of breast blister. It had a creamy colored scab similar to the black scab you see with bumblefoot. I could not find any info on how to take care of this since everything refered to meat birds and how it affected the look of the meat at slaughter. Not what I needed! So I read and watched videos about taking care of bumblefoot. Many years ago I worked as a physical therapy tech and have performed debridements on burn patients. While I didn't want to do this, I felt I had no other choice but to remove the scab and try to drain it. I cleaned the area with peroxide, then provi-iodine and proceeded to remove the scab. If came off with a small bit of the core with it. Then with tweezers I remove a chunk of creamy-colored stuff that almost looked like a bad tooth. I could not get much more out. I cleaned her up good with the peroxide, then provi-iodine, then used neosporin and....don't laugh... I put a bandaid type patch on her. Today she still was acting herself, running around with the rest of the chickens. I repeated the same, cleanup again, tried to get more out but just don't seem to be able to remove anymore through the same place with our cutting her more. That is the problem. I do not know how to proceed at this point. I do have amoxicillian (for humans) 500 mg capsules. I believe the correct dosage for her would be 125 mg 2x daily. Again she is a lavender orpington, so she is a big girl. Would the amoxicilliam help to disolve some of the mass I'm assuming is infection?
Does anyone have any experience with anything similiar?

If there was an infection with pus, then the amoxicillan may help the infection. Do you know why that she may have a breast blister? They are common in chickens with MS (mycoplasma synovitis) or in chickens who roost constantly on the floor, sometimes from wet bedding or just not being able to get up. Here are a couple of good links to read if you have not seen them:
Thanks for your reply. I also read they were common in thinly feathered breeds and she is rather thinly feathered on her tummy. She gets on the roost with the others every night. They also have roost in their run she sits on. I clean their areas daily. They have a coop that is very dry with shavings on the floor but I've never seen any on them sleep on the floor. I've checked the others and none of them have blisters. I'm really puzzled as to why it is there.
Oh and thanks for the links. Yes I had already read those. It just doesn't fit. Her feet look good she runs and flys around all day. She is very active with and eats well and always runs for treats. I'm really worried about her. She is a sweetie!
A few days later, I have a chicken with the same issue. How is your chicken doing?
Sorry did not get an alert to this. I kept it clean,lots of antibiotic ointment, it cleared up and didn't happen again. She developed a callous so I assumed it was due to having thin feathering on her tummy.

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