Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

I think I have a slight allergy to Bell Peppers. If I eat a little bit of them, I will taste them for 3 days or so. If I eat too many, or too often (2 days in a row) then they will give me stomache upset and even make me vomit. SO I avoid as much as possible.
I think I have a slight allergy to Bell Peppers. If I eat a little bit of them, I will taste them for 3 days or so. If I eat too many, or too often (2 days in a row) then they will give me stomache upset and even make me vomit. SO I avoid as much as possible.
I think a lot of foods that we do not like are because of allergies.
The funny thing is, I always hated bell peppers before. Then I started to like them and actually would crave to have them on pizza. Then about a year or so later, they started to make me sick.
My bosses wife is allergic to Lemons (allergic like me, not hospital, gonna die allergic). About once a month or so, she craves the lemonade from Chik-Fil-A and has him stop on his way home to get her a large lemonade. He always remonds her that it will make her sick, but she always wants it anyway.

It is surprising to me how many pre-packaged, frozen convenience foods have peppers. I always check the teeny, tiny ingredient print to make sure.
The funny thing is, I always hated bell peppers before. Then I started to like them and actually would crave to have them on pizza. Then about a year or so later, they started to make me sick.
My bosses wife is allergic to Lemons (allergic like me, not hospital, gonna die allergic). About once a month or so, she craves the lemonade from Chik-Fil-A and has him stop on his way home to get her a large lemonade. He always remonds her that it will make her sick, but she always wants it anyway.

It is surprising to me how many pre-packaged, frozen convenience foods have peppers. I always check the teeny, tiny ingredient print to make sure.
Cravings are weird!

I sometimes think I want to eat a cantaloupe. I know it is very healthy and they smell so good!

I take one bite and want to vomit!

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