Homemade GUMP Bread - best I've found! **New pics added on pg. 5**

I bookmarked this thread long ago, and earlier this week I finally caved and made some.
I caught husband in the kitchen gnawing on the heel of bread yesterday :p

What we've done with it:
Mayo, mustard, hot ham, salami, marinated onions, tomato, lettuce, olive spread, provolone, swiss. Smash in the George Foreman grill until crispy and melty.

I've got a second batch in the oven right now. This time I did small, subway-type buns. Nom nom nom!
I made another batch tonight, one regular loaf and one loaf of pizza bread. I SHOULD have made both loaves pizza bread...it's amazing. All I did was add a little bit of cheese and peperoni and then rolled it up..no sauce or anything.
I know some of you have made this bread in pans, but the thread is far too long for me to read through right now. I'm just starting another batch right now and would like to try part of it in a pan because I'm hoping to enter bread in our county fair this year and this is the recipe. I have either 8 or 9 inch pans to use and I'll just wing it for this batch if no one replies, but I would still like recommendations for later.
I made some of this bread and had extra and wanted to use it....I fried this bread like indian fry bread but I stuffed it with sausage, onions, green peppers, potatoes, and cheese. They were so yummy....the burns from the grease were worth it. Should not be any scars did not really blister but sure hurt and taking forever to heal up. I made them almost 2 weeks ago I think now.
Am making my first GumpBread today.....it is on it's 2nd rise.......made 1/2 into a loaf and made the other half into 6 large rolls -
- will brush the tops with the egg and water recipe - - broke one of my first eggs ( my SLW babies have been laying for a week
and this egg was from someone else - it was down in the run yesterday and was much larger) - - ANDDDDDD it was a DOUBLE yolker! Hope it is a sign...
................and my bread will turn out scrumptious!
Me and homemade bread have a love hate relationship. I love it, but it hates me. Miss Jayne walked me through baking bread step by step and I still screwed it up LOL. I have a loaf of this bread and some cinnamon rolls baking right now and they smell Heavenly. I hope it does better than my last bread baking adventure.
I'm sure it will turn out wonderfully! This recipe seems to be fool proof and works great every time.

OMG, this has to be the best bread I’ve ever tried. This is only the second time I have baked bread “from scratch” (been using my Zojirushi bread machine) and this is the perfect recipe for a beginner like myself! Since I am so inexperienced, I was really worried about how it would turn out. But it was great (and so EASY to make) and I don’t know that practice could make it any better. I think it is nearly impossible to ruin it.

Praise for bread is somewhat unusual for me as I’m not much of a “bread person” (hardly ever eat it but love to make it) but I actually sat down with some softened butter and wound up having buttered bread for dinner because I got so excited about the bread, I forgot to eat anything else! I did make DH and my mom some leftovers for dinner, so at least they had something more usual to eat!

Thank you so much, Gumpsgirl, for sharing this recipe! And special thanks to Miss_Jayne for the little hint about spraying the plastic wrap with Pam before covering the bread while rising. That was so helpful!

I read through a lot of posts before I began this project and since I found that the recipe is so versatile, I made a few minor changes. I substituted butter for the oil and I added some vital wheat gluten. Although not recommended, I baked both loaves on the same cookie sheet. It was not mentioned, but I greased the cookie sheet before placing the loaves on it. Otherwise, I followed the directions exactly as written.

I did notice that my dough was a little sticky at first and the ball of dough sort of came off the dough hook (it was very humid out) and I probably should have added a little flour but after the first rise, the texture was fine.

Here is a picture of the two loaves I made. They could look a little nicer, but they sure tasted good! I used part of one loaf the make DH’s lunch sandwich for tomorrow.


Now I can’t wait to make cinnamon rolls with this recipe! I think I will add some raisins. Maybe tomorrow!

Again, thank you for all the help!
Hi again,

I need HELP! I attempted to make the cinnamon rolls from the Gump bread and all did not turn out so well. This is what happened - the sugar melted and caramelized and went to the bottom of the pan and the buns got stuck and I had to pry them out of the pan with a spatula. Because of this, they also got very hard quickly and I had to throw them out
! I was afraid to give them to the chickens because of all the sugar.

What went wrong? I thought I followed the directions but now I'm not sure. Did I bake them too long? I used the maximum time of 25 minutes because they didn't brown well. I know this bread doesn't brown all that much, but they were really light. Did I use too much sugar? I used both brown and white.

They did raise, but maybe not enough. The first raise went very well as I put the covered bowl of dough in my oven (turned the oven on and quickly turned it off just before that). They didn't look as puffy as I thought they would after the second raise, although they were considerably larger. I couldn't put them in the oven because I had to preheat it for baking them. I usually try to do the second raise in my toaster oven but the pans wouldn't fit. Other than that, I usually put the pans in my "mud" room (which has no air conditioning) but it was a cool day and I ran my toaster oven for a while, shut it off, and put the pans with the covered unbaked rolls on top (I had the air conditioner turned off the whole while).

My pans are good, nearly new nonstick ones, so I don't think that's the problem. And I greased them really well.

BTW, the first time I made the bread it turned out well, but the dough was a little sticky, I think because I substituted the oil for butter (which has more moisture). This time I used the oil and the dough came out PERFECT!

Thanks for any help!

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