Homeschool families?

I'm glad to see this thread. I was thinking about starting one also.

I have 3 DDs, 17, 14 and 11 and we have been homeschooling the whole time (about 13 years.)
We don't use a curriculum (except for math.) We make everything else up as we go along.
I really like being able to tailor learning to each individual kid.
My oldest is attending community college and will transfer to U of A in the Fall of '11. My 14 year old is taking her first cc class this Fall.

I remember having all the newbie questions when we started. My advice to those who are considering homeschooling is to drop the fear, follow your heart, and the rest will fall into place.
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We live in Michigan and we just started homeschooling this month. We are using Alpha Omega Switched-On-Schoolhouse for my 12 yr old dd, and Lifepac 2nd grade for my 7yr old ds, and Horizon for my 3 yr old dd. So far we are just taking it slow and easy, adjusting from the switch from public to home school. I love having the kids home with me and we are able to do things that we wouldn't have been able to do before. We are expecting goats and chickens soon and we are looking forward to learning from them. I am excited to have embarked on this journey and we will let God guide us and see where we end up.
I bought my 14 year old a book to help her get in some good habbits to succeed in life, but I'm still about to break the 5th Commandment. It seems like I can't convince her to advance fast enough. Does anyone have any suggestions for a high energy pep talk for a lazy student?

On a better note, my kindergardener learned a very difficult prayer, which was holding her back. I put together some pictures and everyday items from the house on my bed as visual cues and she was able to recite the 'Morning Offering.' I think she really enjoyed it. I used a crucifix, a pic of the Blessed Mother, a rosary, a pic of Jesus, a magazine pic of a priest giving a boy communion, a small pic of the world, a dvd with John Cena screaming and flexing and a pic of Pope John Paul II. I told my best friend, who is Baptist about it and she was waiting to hear how John Cena helped her learn the prayer.......its because part of it says,"in reparation for all my sins....." and I figured he looked so angry that it reminded me of sin. We had fun with that lesson.
My son went through a lazy period during his first year of highschool. I told him that he would finish the work regardless. So, he worked some Saturdays, worked some holidays and through the summer. I didn't make a big deal about it. He learned his lesson and came to me one day and spoke about how he wanted to improve.
I have the year plotted out in Homeschool Tracker so we all know what should be done, when. We school Mon-Thurs with Fridays for activities, non-daily stuff and just makeup work in general. I've learned after years of schooling that we need to have a built in flex day because we end up taking one anyway. At least when it's planned I don't have to feel guilty.

Anyway, my kids have Mon-Thurs to complete their work, it's up to them how fast or slow it's done. I have one who steadily does her work on the day scheduled. I have another who used to procrastinate and not get stuff done and found herself missing out on things she would have liked to have done. You don't do the work you don't get to play! Then I have one who will do several day's worth of work on one day so he can take a week off! He doubles up his lessons or does extra on the flex day so he doesn't have to do it the next week. He gets it correct and he's doing the work so I let him.

We have the same procedure and standards for all three of these kids but they all approach it differently. Since we've gone this route I have far fewer battles over getting schoolwork done. The procrastinator learned to get her work done on time after having to deal with consequences when she didn't. There are days even she will choose to double up so she can have a day off. I don't even have to tell them to do their work anymore for the most part.
We do similar, there's a weeks worth of work, I don't care what day you get it done on, but if it's not done on friday, you're studing at the beach while your bro and I surf. Usually they do a week's worth of science, history, spanish, and art on each day, and then slam out the math and reading on sat morning so they can get the full beach time.

Works for us as Erik still does anything put before him effortlessly (he's now in 2nd grade levels at 5), while Evan likes to take his time on science exparements, so long as the quiz at the end of each lessons is good, they're good.
Hello fellow homeschoolers. We are on our 6th year of homeschool ( I think?) I've lost track! LOL

We have 5 children- our oldest will be 20 in May -she has graduated on moved on.

My oldest homeschooler at this time is 17 year old Junior
then I have a 10th grader and 3rd grader....Anna is our youngest and will be 3 in April.

We live in Illinois and are also grain farmers.

Guess thats it for now- looking forward to getting to know all of you!
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