Horse people... I am torn and undecided

My mum is 5'6" and is a great match for her 14.3 mare:

I am 5'8" and comfortably ride a 15.2 gelding (no pics, sorry!) I'm no jumper though.

Nowadays people are constantly wanting bigger horses...I say, it isn't so necessary. In fact, most riders I encounter are way over-horsed. (My) ideal is to generally have your heels at the horse's is effective for communication.

This horse will in no way be outgrown by your daughter...if he has the ability to jump, it won't matter for now (and the breed isn't particularly off putting...arabs can be superb hunter/jumpers if they are built/have the mind for it).

Yet, his manners put me off as well. Don't settle for less. There are capable jumpers out there who aren't so squirrelly. Now...if you feel like you can invest the time/money to iron him out, go for it, but I will have to agree that a kid's mount should be well behaved and something you can trust around your child as they learn. I say keep looking.
Right now, sale horses are a dime a dozen. You could probably get a more suitable horse for nearly nothing (if not nothing) in this market if you looked hard enough. I agree that you might have trouble selling him if it doesn't work out.....which it sounds like it may not.....Your daughter may love HIM and want HIM, but whoever posted that once you find her the "right" horse she will forget all about him is correct. You don't want a horse your daughter has to overcompensate want a horse that will overcompensate FOR your daughter.
Since this is the last horse you want to buy her.....make it the best you can get.
I echo the sentiments of others in that she won some ribbons and now she is in love, BUT it just doesn't sound like this horse has what it takes to take her where she wants to go.

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