How big/small is your town?

About 6,000. I love it here!
3500 give or take...a decent small town that is very agrarian in nature. The "town" is spread over 25 sq miles so its mostly farms, woods and a very small town center.
Nelson city where I am has pop of approx 45,500 then Tasman region with another 47,300. I thought we were small and kind of thought all you folks in the US were going to have massive populations for where you are, just goes to show one should never assume
we live across a historical landmark. The Pine Prairie Community Schoolhouse is now a home of one of our friends. Our community is called tornado alley of the nearest town. Tornados have taken our corner store 3 times!!!! Our Population is about 300.
Near to Washington DC, but not in an actual town. Take your pick. Either DC population or in the house, there are 13 people.

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