how do I humanely kill a fox?

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Mar 10, 2017
Burgaw N.C
I have a juvenile red fox that kept taking my chickens. I hadn't seen him in several weeks so I purchased a few new hens. One of my hens that I got prefers to try to roost on my roof rather than in the coop. I learned that if I set my rabbit trap with her favorite sardines and bananas that she will go into the Trap set it off and then I can move the Trap and her into the coop at night.
This work three times. I had it set last night walked outside to put her up but she was not in it I left it there so that way I would not have to set it for the next night. I woke up this morning and went out to let my girls out and there was the fox sitting in the Trap... How do i kill it in the most humane way so that it does not suffer and so that I can get rid of it so that my chickens will not be in danger?

( should I use the gun or is there a more humane way)
((Just moved and I live in the middle of nowhere))
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