How many eggs do you get weekly? What do you do with the extra eggs?

II live in 98 degree weather in nw Texas also I have 15 pullets that have just begun to lay i am frustrated because I think the extreme heat is delaying the laying process what does everyone think....oh...pullets are less than 23 weeks old   only gather 3 eggs per day out of # 15 young hens is this normal?

What city in Texas? I live in the Panhandle, and 2 of my 4 girls have begun laying, with another one starting almost any day now (she squats whenever I come near). I don't think the heat has really affected mine, which are just a week younger than yours.
I don't know if heat would delay laying. I think that breed can influence laying times. Mine (12) started laying between 19 weeks and 26 weeks. I have heard of some breeds not laying until they were as late as eight or nine months old. I would make sure the feed was good. Some grain, some green stuff and breath deeply :) it will happen!
This is where I get concernes. I like the idea of free ranging all the time.
If you have a really large coop and run and not let the hens free range too much I think that would cut down on exposure to other birds that could be carrying diseases. So I have a large run that is split into two areas, 12x12 and a 5x5 area. That is for four hens and I want six total soon. That's plenty of roaming space and keeps me more comfy
That's the thing. I think with this disease there needs to be a balance and vigilance.

@Our Roost it is pretty serious stuff in your area. I think It's good they cancelled all bird shows, sales at flea markets and fair activities. It seems to be contained.
II live in 98 degree weather in nw Texas also I have 15 pullets that have just begun to lay i am frustrated because I think the extreme heat is delaying the laying process what does everyone think....oh...pullets are less than 23 weeks old only gather 3 eggs per day out of # 15 young hens is this normal?
Less than 23 weeks 3 eggs a day is great and normal! I think constant heat that they are acclimated to does not affect laying, but a sudden heat surge shuts mine down.
You didn't mention your chicken breed nor the average amount of eggs this breed normally lays within a years time. Expected point of lay and at what age you can expect them to start their laying cycle is important. I also firmly believe weather has a direct effect in deterring or accelerating egg laying norms. We all have good and bad days when the weather changes don't we? Nature is no different.
We have 3 hens (reds/whites (all pullets) and one Leghorn rooster that we bought at the Fair Auction. On a good day we get 4-5 eggs, but lately due to the Florida heat its reduced to 2-3 eggs. Last Easter we breed our Dominique Chicken (Fair Auction purchase) and got 12 babies. Coons got the parents and 4 of the hatchings overnight, but we have 6 hens/4 roosters survived. So, now that they're almost a year old the eggs should begin to stack up.

I appreciate the food bank idea. We give eggs to friends, neighbors, and family, but at peak laying its more than we can handle. Are there any special requirements in donating fresh eggs to the Food Bank?

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