How many eggs do you get weekly? What do you do with the extra eggs?

I m getting three a day from four hens one went broody so she is setting on fertilized eggs for a hatch (6eggs) so an egg a day from my faverolles! That's pretty good! 21 a week. I have 36 in refrig right now so once I get a solid 50 I'm going to start packaging them for loaves and fishes
I have 8 hens. 2 RIR and 6 Gold Comets. We have been getting between 6-7 eggs a day. So do I have a hen that's a dud??
I know for sure that both RIRs are laying. Do I need to worry about the one that's not laying yet or is she just slow?
I have four red hens (RIR's and Red Sex Links. I don't know which is which since they all look a like except for two are smaller and one has lighter red feathers on her breast), one Black Sex Link, two Australorps and a Barred Rock that are old enough to lay. I'm up to five eggs consistantly a day. I have four younger hens. Three Barred Rocks and a New Hampshire Red although she doesn't look like any of the pictures of a NHR I've seen. She's the color of a Buff Orpington with a few black feathers in her tail. She's pretty though. So far we don't have any extras. My husband eats eggs for breakfast every morning. I only eat them 3-4 days a week. Mostly because I don't have time to cook before I leave for work. When I do have extras I'll give them away to friends and family and then sell what is left. I like the food pantry idea. Not sure if we can do it where I live.
I have 6 red sex links, and the are laying 5-6 eggs every day, and have for the past three months. My question is, when do they slow down or stop for the winter?
Im getting 6 a day from pullets that just came in to lay a couple weeks ago. I have 11 and I know at least 2-3 still aren't laying. I'm glad they started before winter as Im guessing now they will keep going all the way through.
We get between 65-70 eggs per week now since about seven went molting or on winter hiatus. We were getting almost 100/week a month ago.

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