How many feet is your coop? how many feet per chicken do you guys have, or you don't measure it like fish in a pond space?

Rule of thumb: at least 4 sqfeet per chicken in the coop, 1/4 nest box per hen, at least 8 sqfeet per chicken in the run. I'd have to be at least 15 sq feet per chicken in the run if you keep them in the their area exclusively. I only let mine out if I'm out there too, space isn't a factor there. Many people think they can get away with smaller area if you let them out frequently, it might work until you have to keep them in for weeks.
The usable floor space in my coop is lacking, might be as low as 2 sf. However, my climate allows for the use of a covered hoop as an extension providing an additional 6.73 sf. My run is odd shaped (hard to measure--used almost 100 linear feet), so 25+ sf? Then they get a couple hours free time most days.
I am curious what space you guys have per fowl and if that determines how often you let them out.
Well, my sq ft per bird keeps changing 🤔.
Right now I'm at 3.4 sq ft per bird in the coop, 14.6 sq ft per bird in the run and 519 sq ft per bird in their pen. But 5 of the flock members are chicks and I'll be rehoming the ONE cockerel when he wears out his welcome.
My banties each have 21 SF in their pen and just under 4 SF in their coop. Their "yard," which includes the coop and pen, is about 1300 SF, or 233 SF each.

They mostly go where they want to between areas, except at night. I think they're content overall, but they would get cranky if they had to stay in their pen all the time. It's primarily for early morning, early evening and for when I'm gone - it's more predator proof than their yard.

Based on their behavior, the coop is definitely too small, despite meeting minimum SF. (That's partly due to its configuration.) Their new coop will provide twice as much space.

I agree with what most on BYC will say - more space is always better! Happier chickens and more flexibility for you!
I have a 9x5 coop with a 25'x25'+ run with 20-25 chickens at a time (run is odd shaped but well over 25x25). So that's 1.8 sq ft inside and 25+ sq ft each outside, or more when my flock is a little smaller. Mine don't free range due to heavy predator pressure. I'm about to double the run size as well, to keep it greener.

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