How many of you ladies drive trucks?

I currently drive a Ford Escape 4x4. DH has a '96 Ford F150 that he loves. When we moved here 7 years ago he had a '99 F250 Turbo diesel, jet black. As my dad used to say "that is one sexy truck!". I had a brand new Ford Escape Sport Trac. Unfortunately, when you live on an island with only 80 miles of road, there's just no reason for gas guzzling, brand new vehicles, so we both traded down. I REFUSE to drive a car or minivan, but did need the covered hauling space that the Escape offers due to all the rain we get here. Now I can haul kids, dogs and feed and nothing gets wet.

How do people even live without at least one truck in a family? I mean, how do you get hay, how do you take the garbage to the dump, what do you do when you move? I don't understand!!!
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I do I do I do!!!!

Here is a picture of my old truck (White) with Ruby, my new truck:


(Interestingly enough, right after the deal was made, a man came in and bought my old truck. He was making the deal when we left. So my wonderful old truck got a nother good home and is still in New Hampshire as far as I know.


My wife drives our Ford Excursion... I'd say that counts as a truck. She runs it around like a little sports car and has never had an accident.
Sold the mustang - gave my husband my car and started driving the 99 blazer we bought to haul the 4 wheeler and jetski lol

I LOVE driving my aunts Honda Ridgeline - its as smooth as a cadillac!!!
I have a 2007 Chevy 2500 HD that I LOVE. We bought it to pull the horse trailer, and have found a million uses for it since then! Although I have to admit, I prefer my sedan or convertible for in-town manueverability and parking!
Here's my F350 (not 4x4, I wish) crewcab dually. You can't see it in the picture but she has pink and purple down the sides. She is a girly truck but performs like a brute! Has no problem hauling 15,000#'s of hay and trailer. For a gas truck she gets the job done. That's her fulltime job.

I try not to drive her unless I really need to because she only gets 8 miles to the gallon
that's enought to make anyone pass out!

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