How much does it cost to feed chickens?

Quote: I have 1 rooster. So you're saying switching to laying feed if you have a rooster isn't a good option for feed? Is there a particular reason? My older chicks are almost 5mos, and my younger chicks are 3 1/2mos. 6wk age difference. So I wasn't planning on switching over to layer feed just yet.
The extra calcium in layer feed will build up in his kidneys and eventually cause them to fail. Many people insist that their rooster are fine eating layer pellets, but the damage is done internally, and there won't be any signs of harm until it is far too late. Layer pellets are for actively laying hens only.
By feeding a grower, flock raiser, or all flock type feed, and offering a calcium supplement for the layers, everybody has access to what they need and you don't have to worry about roosters, and other non-laying birds getting too much calcium.
So if I were to stick with a grower feed for them and supplement calcium would it have too much protein in it for fully grown hens (when they are fully grown)? I just don't want to do anything to harm any of them. My roo is going to be around as long as he behaves himself. I'm trying to decide on whether I want to be trimming back spurs or not once he gets them (I can't risk it, I don't heal well with wounds, I have a weak immune system), but if he can't contain his boy behaviors and they get out of control he'll have to go whether by cull or rehome (he's SUPPOSE to be a more docile breed, but he's hatchery stock, so not sure). I can tell when he's ticked, his comb gets purple on it, he shakes his leg, flaps his wings, does some vocal warnings, and moves his head around in this weird motion. He's been in a foul mood today so I try to just do what I need and get out when he's having one of those days.

I don't know what flock raiser or all flock type of feed is. The only ones I've used so far are starter/grower feeds, and the only other I've checked into is the layena/laying feeds.
I hope that didn't come across the wrong way because I didn't mean it rude. I have a son and homeschool him, I'm disabled, so my budget is super tight. I was thankful to be able to make it work. I used parts off a dilapidated camper (siding, door, windows) to build my coop and some old plywood for shelving, so I had to buy concrete (just for the corner posts, had to secure them), screws and nails (5$ a box), some shelf hangers for my bracing (2$ each), 2x4s (3.50$ each, bought 24 of them I think it was), of course the feeders/waterers (bought as a set for just 11$ with shipping), and some other minor things for initial cost, plus 13 chicks (one died because something neurologically was wrong with it, and the other was a RIR roo that went back to the store) which weren't too bad in cost they were 3.50 each (I paid for already sexed, and it was split by 6 weeks between buys in May and June). Then I had to buy chicken wire (found 2 large rolls for 45$) and staples (that was a few buck for a couple boxes) for the staple gun, and I made a run using a trampoline frame and some tent poles (you know those outdoor canopy things) so the only cost on the run was chicken wire since I had the rest.

While you guys are waiting you can check on craigslist in your area and other resale shops/inexpensive shops to start gathering materials so you can work on building up what you need so it doesn't hurt the pocket too much if you can find room in your budget each month.

I started buy stuff I needed over a few month span, so it was easier on the pocket for me. I still need to buy paint to paint the coop, but it's functional.

Then I built a mini coop for the younger chicks to transition outside without the big ones picking on them (look but don't touch approach because the other method didn't work) and I used leftover supplies from other projects to make that plus leftover chicken wire so thankfully no cost on that.

For now my nesting boxes are laundry baskets and some organizer bins with straw in them. I'll be building something else eventually, but it works for now.

Oh no no no byc friend I was so agreeing with you. I Know a thing or ten about making things work, being 28 living in Los Angeles with HIV, working a $9 job and going to school I have no choice but to make it work lol. I am working on building my own coop and run I need to put a top on it lol so I cAn stop worrying about cats getting my lil chicks lol. But one pay check at a time. And good luck with everything you have going on in your life friend
Quote: If you can get your hands on chicken wire or netting, or even a piece of plywood to keep the cats out that would be better than nothing for now. Check around on craigslist etc to see if you can get your hands on stuff. If you weren't all the way in CA I'd be happy to help with something.
The extra calcium in layer feed will build up in his kidneys and eventually cause them to fail.

Based on studies it causes a lot of issues in poultry with kidney failure and damage being one of the worst but not the only negative effect...

Many people insist that their rooster are fine eating layer pellets

That would be an anecdotal fallacy, just like smokers who insist smoking doesn't cause cancer because they don't have cancer...

There have been numerous scientific studies and there is little doubt the excess calcium does in fact have negative health consequences in poultry, even as you said if you don't notice or see obvious negative effects...
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Yes, not sure how close you are to Norco, but there is a Tractor Supply there ... $14 for 50 pounds ... Or find a real "feed & seed" store ... Look where the horse people go too ...

So I've checked norco, CA is 4hours away from me on bus and all the freed a s seeds are 15miles or more so yes right now .95 cent is what I have to work with right now thank go they free range more than they eat the feed lol I'll find another way when more money comes my way might get it off line when they start eating more.
If you can get your hands on chicken wire or netting, or even a piece of plywood to keep the cats out that would be better than nothing for now. Check around on craigslist etc to see if you can get your hands on stuff. If you weren't all the way in CA I'd be happy to help with something.

It's not a lot of ppl on byc who live in Los Angeles you would thi K with all the chicks around. so I winging things so far they are good I keep I eye out and they let me know when something get near lol
It's out of stock online right now, but if you order site to store you can pick it up at your local Walmart and not pay shipping, just keep checking the link until it comes back available online...

This is a layer feed, not an 'all flock' but if you have layers...

Or talk to the store manager of your local Walmart and see if they will order in a bag or two for you, as I have been told the store manager has the authority to order it in or carry it in stock if they choose...
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