How much does it cost to feed chickens?

So if I were to stick with a grower feed for them and supplement calcium would it have too much protein in it for fully grown hens (when they are fully grown)? I just don't want to do anything to harm any of them. My roo is going to be around as long as he behaves himself. I'm trying to decide on whether I want to be trimming back spurs or not once he gets them (I can't risk it, I don't heal well with wounds, I have a weak immune system), but if he can't contain his boy behaviors and they get out of control he'll have to go whether by cull or rehome (he's SUPPOSE to be a more docile breed, but he's hatchery stock, so not sure). I can tell when he's ticked, his comb gets purple on it, he shakes his leg, flaps his wings, does some vocal warnings, and moves his head around in this weird motion. He's been in a foul mood today so I try to just do what I need and get out when he's having one of those days.

I don't know what flock raiser or all flock type of feed is. The only ones I've used so far are starter/grower feeds, and the only other I've checked into is the layena/laying feeds.
It's really hard to give them too much protein. Excess protein is easily expelled in their feces. There is no toxic gradual buildup, like there is with calcium. Just make sure it's not medicated feed. Medicated feed is fine for feeding young birds who need the protection against coccidia, but when used exclusively, long term, it can cause thiamine deficiency.
Quote: I never bought medicated feed with mine, they were supposedly already vaccinated certified disease free etc (I'm not sure how they get coccidia, I am still really trying to learn all of this stuff). I use a non-medicated feed.
I'm not sure how they get coccidia

It's a protozoa and it's pretty much everywhere on the ground and in other birds... It's not limited to chickens, so the birds flying overhead are also pooping and distributing it in your yard...

The short of it all birds have it once exposed to poop from older birds or exposed to outside conditions, it's only when their immune systems fail to keep it contained and controlled in small numbers that it becomes a problem...
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This assumes you have a local feed mill where you can purchase the items in bulk, if you have to ship them in or drive any real distance it can kill most if not all the savings...

I wish I could mix my own, but there is no local place for me to purchase in bulk that will achieve any savings over getting locally bagged feed...

Instead, I heavily supplement my birds with free expired and day old produce, breads and dairy products that I get from a local grocery store that I cut a deal with...

I went from feeding them about 150 lbs of commercial food a week to about 50 lbs a week or less, and I don't consider the stuff I give them to be 'treats' as it varies every day and IMO is a pretty balanced diet due to the ever changing variety... I have experienced no drop in egg laying so the birds are obviously getting what they need...

You might try and see if you have any cattle, pug, or sheep in your area... I'm not following well lol, some were talking about CA, I don't know where you are....

Dairies, feedlots, pigs, turkey and poultry farms... A very good place to call up, meet people, and wheedle your way into getting a few pounds here and there ... You really would be surprised how willing some operations are in helping out fellow animal owners if they just ask ;)

Just a thought... I've had to "bum" a part of a load off of someone else because I didn't want a whole ton if it, just 100#...

I wonder if you guys over in Cali can put together some sort of bulk co-op where you all pitch in and pay for your % of the load, and everyone can get the best price by getting it together...

Never forget the good old-fashioned yellow pages for grain lol... ALOT if these places aren't even online ;)
You might try and see if you have any cattle, pug, or sheep in your area... I'm not following well lol, some were talking about CA, I don't know where you are....

Dairies, feedlots, pigs, turkey and poultry farms... A very good place to call up, meet people, and wheedle your way into getting a few pounds here and there ... You really would be surprised how willing some operations are in helping out fellow animal owners if they just ask

No big operations in my area, anyone that has larger livestock in my area is a farmer that is also working the fields and provides for himself or trades with other farmers... Don't get me wrong I can get bulk items if I want, it's just that in my area it won't save me much over commercial feed since there is no large central milling or storing operation to hit up like a lot of farm towns have... Lots of horses so hay and straw are plentiful...
No big operations in my area, anyone that has larger livestock in my area is a farmer that is also working the fields and provides for himself or trades with other farmers... Don't get me wrong I can get bulk items if I want, it's just that in my area it won't save me much over commercial feed since there is no large central milling or storing operation to hit up like a lot of farm towns have... Lots of horses so hay and straw are plentiful...

I can see the trouble to go through being pretty costly! I guess I seem to forget that a lot of these places have so many people that in order to even GET to a farm would be a day trip out ofvthe city... I'm in a bubble up here lol :p

Oh but alfalfa hay? ;) oh now THAT is choice feed right there, get some if THAT lol... Now I sound like an advertisement :D
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Hey BYC I have four chickens from age 6-9 weeks old my chickens free rang from sun up till sun down with access to their feed and fresh water, my question is how much should I go through on a average month for four chicks please someone help me I need it .
Hey BYC I have four chickens from age 6-9 weeks old my chickens free rang from sun up till sun down with access to their feed and fresh water, my question is how much should I go through on a average month for four chicks please someone help me I need it .

Chicks should go through less than a pound a week a piece, adults average 1.5 lbs per week, so assume for adult weight; they grow fast...

1.5 lbs per bird x4 birds, 6 lbs per week. 6 lbs x4 weeks is 24 lbs a month :)

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