How much would you pay for a dog?

I've paid up to $3000 for a well bred purebred dog from an excellent breeder. 500-800 more commonly. But I've gotten dogs worth up to 1000 and more from good breeders FREE because of the home I can and have provided for my dogs over the decades. A training home with a good reputation is also worth something to a GOOD breeder.

I also have mutts and shelter dogs. Most shelters here adopt out from Free to 80$. Most rescues (who do all the spaying/neutering, shots, veterinary care, HW testing and parasite control FIRST) go from 150 -300, more if the dog needed extra vet care like surgeries or HW treatment. My free and cheap dogs have usually cost me the most in health care bills. The record at this point being four thousand for a pup that died anyway...

None of our local shelters in eight counties charge more than 85.00. Again sometimes they get an "adoption sponsorship"and some are adopted out free or low cost.

Most people wouldn't even begin to KNOW how to find a good breeder or what constitutes good breeding in the breed they're looking for. Color, shape, sex, breed, that's about all John Q can figure out. AND most bad or marginal breeders are now well PRACTICED liars. They can make anything sound good. They have pretty pictures and ALL puppies are cute.

I make a habit of responding to german shepherd pups for sale in my area. They have huge price tags. Most barely meet any part of the type standards for GSDS, and so far, most of their parents don't meet anything approaching type or temperament, whether the standard you are measuring them by is SV or AKC. Most could be husky mixes and look the same.

I have yet to see a litter I'd take a pup from free. Yet they sound good. They talk the TALK, they say "all the right things".

But you ask to see those actual HEALTH CERTIFICATES - OFA 's and proof that the dog in front of you is the dog with the certificate and wow things get ugly fast. Some people are breeding dogs, with copies of old OFA's or someone elses OFA's . Or they say they have the Certs. and they don't. Double check with a vet on size, wt, description and tattoo and you find it's another dog entirely.

What a dog is worth, what is charged, varies. I just placed a rescue Pyr. Not only can she guard goats, she won't hurt poultry, is house trained, leash broken, spayed, UTD, HW negative and treated. She could certify as a therapy animal, she's that social, and is now the official greeter for the farm she's working. Her spaying by a GOOD vet, cost 200.00 and it was a good thing she wasn't done at the low cost clinic. She almost bled out due to bleeding caused by exposure to Erlichia. She was treated for Erlichia. She was treated for the massive parasite load she had when she came in. Including fleas, ticks and worms. Her veterinary bills were over 600.00. They placed her for 300.00 and she's easily worth 800 and more in what she can do, how she is. If she certified for therapy work she'd be worth thousands. That dog rocked. I found her tied to a dumpster with her daughter.

Temperament, working ability, soundness and stability in and with the public are something most pet breeders don't even understand or consider. Yet temperament is a primary cause of home loss.

So cost... sometimes FREE ain't cheap. And $3000 is a low price for the dog you get. I've worked with service dogs and military dogs and protection dogs whose value is in the thousands. A sound working dog is priceless in many ways.

Fools and their money are easily parted over a cuddly puppy. And people are paying top dollar for MUTTS, which is weird but they believe the LIES and they pay and those breeders charge whatever the market will bear. And LIE through their teeth and pretend SURPRISE, when it grows out unhealthy, ugly, too big, too small, actually SHEDs like a MOFO, is deformed or crippled. Gosh sorry... don't know what happened. Or worse with a dangerous temperament.

I know people who've spent thousands on Labradoodles, only to learn they shed, often have poor temperaments, are a total pain to groom. There are labradoodles in lab rescues, poodle rescues and now labradoodle rescues. Want one, consider rescue.

Working in shelters for 30 years, you see all the designer dogs come in and what bad breeding does. I have both types of dogs, well bred and thoughtlessly bred. I still love them. I have the most awesome Pyr/Kuvasz pup here today, who was dumped at a shelter when she got too big and hairy.... sigh. At least she has an awesome temperament and kennel cough, sigh...

Bad breeders are breeding for BAD customers, for idiots and impulse, for the easily led. For people who don't understand that they will get exactly what they are shopping for depending on how educated they've made themselves about buying a good dog from a good breeder, or not. Most people put more thought into their shirt for the day than into the puppy they purchase that will grow up and have sharp teeth and medical bills.
Where is the standing ovation smiley???? That is what I want!! Well said!!
i have never payed for a dog. you can get a nice farm dog for free. i have had pure breed labs from farms and trained them for hunting. if you could i would find a dog from a farm if you are in the country or adopt a dog. don't buy a dog because there is a deal cause she broke her leg. you wouldn't buy a pullet with a broke leg.
The most we have paid was $650 for a purebred Basset Hound pup, and we still have him 9 yrs later. He is not our favorite whatsoever. Stubborn, and a hog for food. I can't believe that you local shelter charges a $400 adoption fee, they must not adopt out many pets. Ours [which has lots of nice dogs, a lot of different breeds, we once fostered a nice HUGE Great Pyrenees there, also they have small dogs, setters, Brittany's, etc.] charges $75 which includes vaccinations and spaying/neutering. It is I think like $25 if the dog is already spayed or neutered.
I don't think so. I think what would actually happen is that the well-bred dogs would all but disappear while the mutts would keep right on reproducing. The kind of folks who let their dogs run and pay no attention to whether or not they are in season would keep right on doing that. The strays would continue to breed just like they do now. The only ones seriously affected by such a ban are the very people who are right now trying their darnedest to breed good dogs by breeding the best to the best in a minimal number of litters. They are the folks who test for everything AND follow up on their puppies. They are the only ones conscientious enough to even notice the new rules and to try to obey them. The irresponsible folks would go right on being irresponsible--and we'd wind up with the same tons of mutts, just no good, well-bred pups--exactly the opposite of what such a ban would be trying to achieve.



I also think that the cost of a pure bred dog would skyrocket, making pets something that only the very rich could afford.

I love mutts and I don't want to see them outlawed. lol

Back to how much to pay for a dog. I paid about 50 dollars for my beagle, Buster. But I had to pay to have him neutered also. I paid 150 for my GSD mix, Keiba and she came neutered and microchipped. Both dogs are excellent family dogs. Buster was an adult, Kieba was a puppy.

If I was going to buy a working dog and not a pet, I would pay more for a dog from good lines. But that is because the dog would be an investment.

I don't think that it is wrong to buy a dog for 2200 dollars, just keep in mind that there are wonderful dogs available for much less.
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I didn't read all 15 pages because I can imagine what was said...

But to answer the OP's question. I would pay whatever the shelter asked because that is where I get my dogs from.
Breeding LAWS only affect the people who OBEY laws and WANT to OBEY LAWS.

AKA responsible people. Responsible people AREN'T responsible for the shelter mess. Irresponsible people ARE, people who don't care, idiots, the irresponsible, the clueless, the moronic, the criminal, the ripoff artists, the con men. They don't care, they don't think it applies to THEM, THEY don't think THEY are part of the problem. That's someone-else's-fault always.

Laws don't apply to those who think themselves outside of the law and responsibility. Never has. Never will.

Animal shelters don't have the staff to enforce even the licensing laws already on the books. No staff, no investigation, no consequences. Only law abiding caring people who be forced to stop... ummmmm BACKWARDSSSSSSS.

Black market puppies would be all that happened. Which would be worse really.

You can't legislate ethics, morals or caring.

And people who need purebred working dogs, NEED them from somewhere. The over 30,000 disabled people in this country on WAIT LISTS for SERVICE DOGS, that are already YEARS long, could turn into DECADES. Blind people would get no dogs. Police forces, no dogs. The military, people who need working dogs in many aspects of making a living - no dogs.

Thanks but no thanks. We need the well bred, purebred working dogs. WE NEED someone who cares to BREED to the Standard of the Purebred Dog. I've seen "purebreds" that go for nothing, for free, for 50 bucks and they look so little like the breed standard it's pathetic. Someone has to maintain what the breed ACTUALLY is. A five year ban would probably kill off the well bred purebred dog in America. Yeah that works... not.

It's not breeders. It's BAD breeders, and pet breeders and JUSTONE LITTER breeders and the I am not a BREEDER breeders, and the strays responsible for the full shelters. And you can not MAKE those people care a fig law or no law.
30 years in dogs, and in the Shelters. You see where the problem actually comes from. And it's NOT from good breeders of well-bred, purebred dogs.

It also makes you opinionated... and kind of loud. That could just be 30 plus years of barking... nah I was opinionated before I started working in kennels...

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