How to tell a 4yo that you ate their drake...

I am so glad that I've raised my 4 year old to know how life works. She knows there is a pen of meat birds and that we're going to eat them, she's watched me cull sick birds, she's watched me shoot raccoons. It's all part of our life. As for someone else's kid, it's the patents decision what they want their kid to know about. If you don't think the kid can handle it, then tell her the duck ran away. It's not like you're telling a lie under oath.
If I had a 4 year old, and allowed her to give a pet duck to the neighbors, and the neighbor came over to my house later and told me they wanted to tell my 4 year that they ate the pet duck. First thing I would do is order them off my property, then I would make sure my 4 year old never went near that neighbor, and make sure that neighbor was not allowed to have any contact with my chid. Next, I would call the police, and tell them there is a stranger living next door who knocked on my door and told me they want to tell my 4 year old that they ate her pet duck if she asks them, I would try to get a restraining order to make it illegal to have the neighbor anywhere near my small child or children. Then I would knock on the doors of my other neighbors and warn them about letting their children be around the neigbor who wants to tell my 4 year old they ate her pet duck. But that's just me. :)
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I know what was said, and it's a touchy subject, but my moral compass won't let me lie to so easily, 'cause it's a very serious issue with me.

All of you, ask yourselves this question... "do you lie?" I'd like to sat that I have never lied, but to say that would be a lie, lol, but in a case like this I think it's the responsibility of the parents to deal with the feelings of *their* four year old. Besides, shouldn't the parents be with said four year old when visiting the ducks? Please don't tell m that the four year old is allowed to roam the neighborhood unsupervised.


It is a bit of a touchy subject... I personally would not love to lie to a child, but there is a time when you have to choose between "truthfulness" and kindness
If I had a 4 year old, and allowed her to give a pet duck to the neighbors, and the neighbor came over to my house later and told me they wanted to tell my 4 year that they ate the pet duck. First thing I would do is order them off my property, then I would make sure my 4 year old never went near that neighbor, and make sure that neighbor was not allowed to have any contact with my chid. Next, I would call the police, and tell them there is a sicko living next door who knocked on my door and told me they want to tell my 4 year old that they ate her pet duck if she asks them, I would try to get a restraining order to make it illegal to have the neighbor anywhere near my small child or children. Then I would knock on the doors of my other neighbors and warn them about letting their children be around the neigbor who wants to tell my 4 year old they ate her pet duck. But that's just me. :)
That's not what i said but...I'm laughing right now.
The original post stated the duck was going to be culled and the OP wanted to know how to tell a 4 yr old, if she came looking, that her duck was dead.

Lying to spare the feelings of a 4 yr old seems perfectly acceptable.

Yes! That's what I'm saying... I asked if this kid asks, how should I gently tell her the duck is no longer living

It's not your job to tell her, it's her parents job, so tell them you are going to butcher him and let them deal with it. Let them make up whatever lie, but that's on them, not you!

I know what was said, and it's a touchy subject, but my moral compass won't let me lie to so easily, 'cause it's a very serious issue with me.

All of you, ask yourselves this question... "do you lie?" I'd like to sat that I have never lied, but to say that would be a lie, lol, but in a case like this I think it's the responsibility of the parents to deal with the feelings of *their* four year old. Besides, shouldn't the parents be with said four year old when visiting the ducks? Please don't tell m that the four year old is allowed to roam the neighborhood unsupervised.


Kathy - are you seriously saying that you would rather maintain some morally superior high ground, refusing to tell a little white lie to spare a kids feelings and tell the kid you ate her duck and let the parents deal with the crying?
If I had a 4 year old, and allowed her to give a pet duck to the neighbors, and the neighbor came over to my house later and told me they wanted to tell my 4 year that they ate the pet duck. First thing I would do is order them off my property, then I would make sure my 4 year old never went near that neighbor, and make sure that neighbor was not allowed to have any contact with my chid. Next, I would call the police, and tell them there is a sicko living next door who knocked on my door and told me they want to tell my 4 year old that they ate her pet duck if she asks them, I would try to get a restraining order to make it illegal to have the neighbor anywhere near my small child or children.  Then I would knock on the doors of my other neighbors and warn them about letting their children be around the neigbor who wants to tell my 4 year old they ate her pet duck. But that's just me. :)

are you try to be funny? 'cause as I understand it, the duck was surrendered by adults, and the *child* comes to visit the OP and their ducks... I did not get the impression that the OP wants to go the house of the child.

I seriously hope that this was an attempt to post something funny and that I somehow missed the point.


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