Hunted by Moonlight

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We snuck in, trying to avoid my parents. They were still sleeping. We tiptoed past their door. They didn't even wake up.
We walked into my bedroom, and put the crowbar on my dresser. It made a small clunk.
My German shepherd dog, Dancer walked in. She jumped up on the bed, and sat, waiting to be petted. I always felt safer with her around.
I sat on the bed and scratched her chest, and she started move her leg up and down to get me off her tickle spot.
Amy spoke up, "Lena lets tell your parents I'm here."
I stopped scratching Dancer's tummy.
We went out in the living room to watch TV, and stayed on the couch till 9:00
My parents had gone to work already, and were now sitting on the couch with us.
"So you want a sleepover, Lena?"
Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Dad got up and opened it.
"Is Lena Horowitz here?" a male's voice asked.
"Lena! An officer is here to talk to you.” dad yelled from the door.
"Coming!" I yelled, running to the door.
The face of the officer looked familiar, but I couldn't tell who he was because he was wearing one of those big, tan hats and it was covering the top of his face.
"Lena Horowitz I presume? Can you come with me? I have some questions to ask you."
I looked at him. "As long as my dad comes with me."
He smiled. "Sure. I just need you to come to the station for a few questions so we can clear things up."
"Ok." I walked to the police cruiser, and got in the back seat so I could sit with my dad. To tell the truth, I was nervous. I'd never been interrogated before.
Dad got in next to me, and the officer backed down the drive, and then went the way with the shortest route.
"So, how's the leg?" He asked.
I wondered why he wanted to know. He sounded interested in it. "I-uh-it's fine,” I said. "I have a fancy blue cast, and everything." I smiled at the joke.
He chuckled, "Blue, huh? My favorite."
"Been feeling ok?" He asked.
"Yes, its fine."
"Is your friend," he paused, thinking. "Amy, was it? Is she ok? I heard some burglar attacked her."
"Yes. In fact, she’s at my house right now.” I said.
"Really?" he asked, surprised.
"Yes." I wondered how he knew we were friends. I started thinking.
He must have been there, but, who is he?
"Well, sorry to interrupt your, um..., sleepover?" he was probably wondering what she was doing at my house. I didn't blame him. It must make him feel intrusive.
I looked at my dad, catching his eye, "Yes, It's a sleepover."
Dad comprehended my message quickly. He didn't know until now that she was sleeping here tonight.
I looked up out the window, trying to find the big and little dippers. The car turned twice in a row, and we were now in the parking lot of the police station.
The officer parked his cruiser, and said, "C'mon, everyone out, as he got out and escorted us inside to an elevator on the left side of the first floor.
I watched the numbers on the digital screen at the top of the elevator change. 1...2...3...4. Then it stopped, and we got out.
We were now in a hallway lined with doors, spaced twelve feet from each other.
We walked down the hall and stopped at the fifth door on the left. The officer led us into a white room, and pulled out a black chair with wheels, and a red cushion on the seat and back. I sat in it immediately.
The officer proceeded to walk with my father to the end of the room, where there was a large mirror, and a door next to it. He urged my dad to go through, and then he closed the door, walked back, and sat at the other end of the table.
I knew what the mirror was. I watched LAW and Order SVU all the time.
What it really was, was a one sided window made to look like a mirror to fool convicts into spilling the beans in front of live witnesses, but I guess that trick will never work anymore, since it has been shown on TV all the time.
The officer started asking questions, and I answered them all.
By the time we were done, two hours had passed.
He had asked a million questions about how the person that hit me looked, but I couldn't give him much info. Since I didn't get a good look at the guy. The whole time, his hat was covering the top of his face, so I was still wondering who he was.
Finally, he looked up, "Alright kiddo, you're all set.
His face finally showed, and I saw that he was the man from my dream.
He had the same face, same hair, everything. It was extremely freaky.
I got out of my chair, and waited by the door while the officer went to get my dad. I didn't even remember he was here until now.
We walked out into the hall, back to the elevator, and pushed the button with the down arrow, waiting patiently for it to arrive.
"So… is Amy ok?" The officer asked.
"Yes, sir."
"Good. By the way, the name's Garry." he said.
There was a soft ding as the elevator doors opened. I started to walk forward, but Garry and dad grabbed my shoulders.
I stopped.
I looked forward, and realized the hazard I almost walked into. The elevator was stuck in between floors, and I could've fallen through the shaft.
"You must be the luckiest kid in the world," he said. "I guess the elevator is out of the question.” he said turning to the other side of the hallway, leading us to a door marked staircase.
"Down we go." Dad said.
We walked down the staircase quickly, dad gripping the railing while I held my arms to my sides, stepping quickly, leaning back just the slightest bit to keep from falling.
Garry was taking the steps quickly, holding both rails. He was in front followed by me, then dad.
Garry got to the bottom step and looked up at us now ten steps behind him. I got tangled up in thought as his face showed again.
Then, suddenly, five steps away from Garry my dad's foot hit my calf and I. Missed the next step and flew out across the stairs, taking a nosedive into the cement.
My forehead was throbbing, and my eyes started to tear up, but I held them back, hoping I didn't look like a sissy. I got up onto my knees, and let the pain wear down, which took several minutes. The whole time, my dad asking me if I was ok.
"Then again, you may not be very lucky at all. After all, you're not a leprechaun." Garry said.
I laughed, and got to my feet, feeling my forehead. There was a bump the size of a quarter on it, and I was guessing it was going to stand out.
Garry took us back through the first floor, and out of the building, back to the cruiser, and we got in.
"Time to take you home, guys." Garry said, and he pulled out of the lot, and took us back the way we came. The whole time we never said a word. I was looking for the big dipper again, and dad was playing teeter on his cell phone.
As we pulled into the driveway, Garry said, "Have a nice night."
Dad and I got out, and then he left.
We went inside and saw Amy and mom both sleeping on the couch.
I went over, and woke up Amy, taking her to my room.
She climbed to the top bunk of my bed, and pulled the covers over her, resting her head on the pillows, and going to sleep.
I sat on the mattress of the bottom bunk for a minute, then covered up and went to sleep.
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Waking up, I felt a shiver run across my skin. I looked around my room, feeling the pillow below my head shift silently as I did so.
I noticed my window was open, and looked out across the lawn, seeing the dark pines of the woods shake their branches in a slow waltz.
I saw a barn owl fly past, and got out of my bed to look, creeping slowly toward the window. Looking out for the spots of carpet that liked to creak.
Owls had always fascinated me, but I was starting to wonder just how much sleep I had really gotten. I looked at my alarm.
It was nearly dawn.
The sun was dark orange, and bright. Its rays making the outlines of the pines, birches and maples shine orange.
I took in my environment for a few more seconds, and then closed the window, and walked into the kitchen for a drink.
I chugged a few glasses, and went back to my room, looked at Amy, and then went back to sleep.
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Ch.7 pt.1
I woke up at 6 in the morning, my bed sticky with sweat, smelling of salt.
The sudden smell of pine filled my nose, drowning the sweat's scent out of existence.
I wondered how the smell came. I had closed the window last night. I was sure of it. How am I smelling this?
Thoughts clouded my mind as i looked past my pillow at the wall of the window, my eyes running up it till they found the light streaming through.
The window was closed. Closed.....I remembered closing the window.
How was I smelling the pine? I had no idea.
The smell lingered for a long time. Even after I was dressed and ready to wake up Amy.
I pulled on my sweater, the fabric sliding roughly down my face. Amy snored loudly.
I climbed up to her bunk, and pushed on her shoulder.
"Wake up, Amy. Your parents will be home in a few hours, and the house is missing a gun, and a back door."
"You brought the gun?! But why?"
"You wouldn't want that guy to steal it, would you? It’s the only weapon you had! “I said, "SHHH! My parents can't know what happened until we are sure that guy is a real threat. Besides, I don't think he's ever coming back. Now, onto more important problems, what are we going to tell your parents about the door?"
"I don't know. How about I hit it with the lawnmower, or we locked ourselves out, and had to use the crowbar?"
"Sure, let’s use the locked ourselves out one."
I waited until she was out of bed to leave, wishing i would've given her pajamas to sleep in. She followed light heartedly, picking the gun out of its hiding place in the hallway drawer.
The pine smell turned out to be from my parents' bedroom their window was wide open, wind spinning inside the room.
We took a shortcut, cutting across my neighbors' lawns, then crossed the street, and inserted her key into the padlock.
As we entered, we took inventory of the entire house. Everything was there.
I put the gun back in its rightful place, and went to assess the damage to the back door. There was a small dent bug enough for the tapered end of a big screwdriver. I decided to use that as the excuse, since we had no way to explain where we got the crowbar.
I guess I'm going to have to dispose of that later...
"Change in story, Amy, the new one is, you got a screwdriver from...” I looked around, "the toolshed and used it to open the door because we got locked out, and your parents weren't here to open the doors."
I woke up at 6 in the morning, my bed sticky with sweat, smelling of salt.
The sudden smell of pine filled my nose, drowning the sweat's scent out of existence.
I wondered how the smell came. I had closed the window last night. I was sure of it. How am i smelling this?
Thoughts clouded my mind as i looked past my pillow at the wall of the window, my eyes running up it till they found the light streaming through.
The window was closed. Closed.....I remembered closing the window.
How was I smelling the pine? I had no idea.
The smell lingered for a long time. Even after I was dressed and ready to wake up Amy.
I pulled on my sweater, the fabric sliding roughly down my face. Amy snored loudly.
I climbed up to her bunk, and pushed on her shoulder.
"Wake up, Amy. Your parents will be home in a few hours, and the house is missing a gun, and a back door."
"You brought the gun?! But why?"
"You wouldn't want that guy to steal it, would you? It’s the only weapon you had! “I said, "SHHH! My parents can't know what happened until we are sure that guy is a real threat. Besides, I don't think he's ever coming back. Now, onto more important problems, what are we going to tell your parents about the door?"
"I don't know. How about I hit it with the lawnmower, or we locked ourselves out, and had to use the crowbar?"
"Sure, let’s use the locked ourselves out one."
I waited until she was out of bed to leave, wishing i would've given her pajamas to sleep in. She followed light heartedly, picking the gun out of its hiding place in the hallway drawer.
The pine smell turned out to be from my parents' bedroom their window was wide open, wind spinning inside the room.
We took a shortcut, cutting across my neighbors' lawns, then crossed the street, and inserted her key into the padlock.
As we entered, we took inventory of the entire house. Everything was there.
I put the gun back in its rightful place, and went to assess the damage to the back door. There was a small dent bug enough for the tapered end of a big screwdriver. I decided to use that as the excuse, since we had no way to explain where we got the crowbar.
I guess I'm going to have to dispose of that later...
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Ch.7 pt.2

"Change in story, Amy, the new one is, you got a screwdriver from...” I looked around, "the toolshed and used it to open the door because we got locked out, and your parents weren't here to open the doors."

I made sure that the house was fine one last time before I sat down on the couch next to Amy. She was watching TV. CSI, I believe. She just sat there, not saying a word.
Finally, I asked her what was wrong. She looked at me, and said, “I’m just trying to figure things out, here." she paused waiting for me to respond. I didn't.
Amy looked at the ceiling, and then back at me, “You know, like if we should report this guy?"
I looked at her, thinking of something to say, “I’m not sure either, but I know that our parents would be more protective than they are now if we did. Our whole childhood would be ruined because our parents would want to make sure we were never in danger again, and I'm not sure I like the sound of that.
Actually, I would rather die than have that happen to me. I would go crazy! You can tell them if you want, I won't stop you. We could be in real danger here, but it's your choice."
She looked at me, taking in my blank expression, trying to figure out what I was thinking, but I gave away nothing, not wanting her to make me decide the fate of her own childhood.
"Lena, I don't know if this is the right idea, but I would rather be in danger than have my life ruined..." She looked at her feet, then back up at my face. "Is that ok? It’s your life, too."
"Like I said, it’s your decision. I can't make all of your choices for you."
I thought about what we had been saying, and then realized how wrong it was to even think of not telling anyone.
Suddenly, she looked directly into my eyes "Then, we should call the police.
I mean, I don't think we should just let this guy go unnoticed. He could kill someone, or even us, which I believe was his goal anyway."
"Just what I realized a few seconds ago. Come on, let’s get the phone.”
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