I have to talk POLISH!

I have 3 Polish roos/golden laced. They are just now crowing...they seem to be getting a little aggressive. There are 13 hens in all, they get to be outside free ranged an hour or so almost everyday. Should I handle them more, will they chill out when they get a little older. They try to mate the ee's and the one polish hen we have but I've not seen them actually be able to mount any of them. The other boys don't seem to be bothered by them very much. Everyone seems to be cool~for the most part. I'm hoping they will become more calm when they mature a little more.....any suggestions??
I don't know, Arkansas. I had 2 brothers a few years ago which were fine. Right now I have 3 from the same batch and they pummel eachother so much that I had to separate them. One would always be cornering one and trying to mate him, and the loser would play dead, even when I picked him up. I just couldn't handle the mean ness and separated them.
I love looking at all the pictures, so many different combos with the polish. Here's a couple of pics of mine. The hen is from the local hatchery, she was from this year's breeding stock. Her name is Tostada. The little cockeral is a craigslist freebie, his name is Russell, he's about two months old.

This is her "What are you pointing at me" expression

The camera is acceptable, I shall now pose.

She's happy to have another chicken around that looks like her, she followed him around constantly for the first couple days.

And here's little Russell Crow. I "met" both his parents, nice friendly birds, I was surprised at how tall the rooster was.
OH I miss my polish hen so bad now, I had even stopped looking on this thread cause it just made me so sad
..... BUT I think I know now I WANT MORE.
Here's my one and only White Polish Hen that died SHE was so great and I miss her everyday I walk in my back yard.
Here's Pum Pum
OH I miss my polish hen so bad now, I had even stopped looking on this thread cause it just made me so sad
..... BUT I think I know now I WANT MORE.
Here's my one and only White Polish Hen that died SHE was so great and I miss her everyday I walk in my back yard.
Here's Pum Pum
I'm very sorry. It sounds like you really miss her. She's a cutie pie.
I love looking at all the pictures, so many different combos with the polish. Here's a couple of pics of mine. The hen is from the local hatchery, she was from this year's breeding stock. Her name is Tostada. The little cockeral is a craigslist freebie, his name is Russell, he's about two months old.

This is her "What are you pointing at me" expression

The camera is acceptable, I shall now pose.

She's happy to have another chicken around that looks like her, she followed him around constantly for the first couple days.

And here's little Russell Crow. I "met" both his parents, nice friendly birds, I was surprised at how tall the rooster was.
I Had to laugh and laugh at the Russell Crow name. If only my kids were a little older they would understand how funny that name is, and we would SO name one of our chickens that, but they are 5 and 8 and I'll just have to remember this name for the future!!
There was a little polish chick at the swap I got toulouse at, it looked like it was porcelain
I didn't think that was a polish color. I almost got (her?) but noticed it had a twisted beak pretty bad. The woman didn't even mention it so it was a good thing I knew what to look for! She was so cute though, your white reminded me of her.

OH I miss my polish hen so bad now, I had even stopped looking on this thread cause it just made me so sad
..... BUT I think I know now I WANT MORE.
Here's my one and only White Polish Hen that died SHE was so great and I miss her everyday I walk in my back yard.
Here's Pum Pum
I Had to laugh and laugh at the Russell Crow name. If only my kids were a little older they would understand how funny that name is, and we would SO name one of our chickens that, but they are 5 and 8 and I'll just have to remember this name for the future!!

That's funny, my girls are 5 and 8 also. His name was picked out as soon as I decided to go pick him up, it is for my amusement, LOL. The parent birds names were Pepe LePeu and Penelope. I was surprised at how big the daddy was, and that he was fine with me coming into the chicken run with a cat carrier. The lady said he was the nicest rooster she'd ever met. In fact he was a little too nice, he let the hens pull nearly all of his crest feathers, he kind of looked like on older man with a combover. The lady also had some easter egger polish crosses, so cool colors, beards, and mohawks.

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