I made the call to NJ Fish and Wildlife

Hooligan Farm

9 Years
Oct 24, 2010
Burlington County, NJ
I finally called Fish and Wildlife today about Bobwhite permits. And as you guessed no matter which type of Bobs I get I have to have a permit. If they come from out of state they need to be NPIP tested. All I need to do is send in my form and money (duh its NJ, its always comes down to money
). They hold the right to inspect but rarely do and if Dept of Agriculture my inspect for to test for influenza, if they have money from grants to do it ( once again its NJ it comes down to money
). So I think come Spring time if I have my monies are right the Rookie might branch out
I figured I may as well try and do it legal too... Tell'in a Ofishyous governmental agency, all about what I got in mind, dont come real natural to me. But I'm TRY'IN!!! Bill
I need to renew my permits soon, actually I just found out I need another permit. I hate it when they don't tell me stuff.
Here are some of your pen regulations.

1. Pens must be large enough to allow each captive wild animal to make normal position changes with plenty of freedom of movement.
2. All captive wild animals housed in the same enclosure must be compatible. Vicious or aggressive animals must be housed separately.
3. Outdoor facilities must provide shelter large enough to fit all animals inside comfortably.
4. Shelters need 4 sides, a roof and a floor and must provide the animals with protection from the cold, heat, sun, snow, wind and rain.
5. A wind and rain break must be provided at the shelter entrance.
6. Shelters need clean dry bedding material if the temperature falls below 50F. Additional bedding is needed if temperatures fall below 35F.
7. Metal barrels, cars, refrigerators, freezers and similar objects may not be used for shelters.
8. Shelters must be ventilated to provide for animal health and well being, and to minimize odors, drafts, ammonia levels and moisture.
Ventilation can be provided by windows, doors, vents, fans or air conditioning.
9. Shade areas large enough to contain all the captive wild animals at one time must be provided to protect them from the sun.
10. Outdoor shelter for captive wild birds: May consist of natural vegetation, which provides protection from he sun, wind, rain and snow.

With the 2003 changes in the captive wildlife laws it is now legal to raise non-native upland game birds without a DNR license or permit. Unless
restricted by local ordinances or regulations under the Department of Agriculture Trade and Consumer Protections (DATCP), anyone can raise nonnative game birds such as pheasants or chukar partridge for food, selling, or just for pleasure. However, if certain species of non-native game birds are
to be purchased, possessed and released into the wild for commercial hunting, a bird hunting preserve license is required, or if purchased, possessed
and released or used for dog training or trial purposes a bird dog training or trail license is required

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