I need to fatten my chickens up!!!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Aug 31, 2012
My chickens feel skinny! I went to the coop today and one was dead! I don't know what happen to him but he felt really thin!!! As of now I am feeding them corn and pellets mixed together. Plus any scraps of anything I have I think they will eat! Maybe some vitamins would help? I have silkies, 2 Cochins , Easter eggers, polish frizzels. Thanks!!!!
Have they been dewormed? A worm infestation can cause a bird to be thin. Check for external parasites too, as they can sap the energy of a bird and take nutrients from it. If you want your birds to eat more, you can try moistening some of their feed. My birds love moist feed. Don't give too much corn, as it doesn't contain a lot of nutrients and will reduce the total amount of nutrients that a bird is getting. Vitamins would help, probably.
I would directly check feces. Round worms are often easy to see with naked eye while others require a microscope. Worms are not always coming out unless infection is high. Eggs are more consistent although better microscope required. If not comfortable checking for worms yourself, then ask your vet and get a handle on cost. If allowed get a look at what vet sees so you know what to look for next time.

If worms then check into what dewormers actually work.

Also back off on corn until weight issue resolved. You have been diluting the layer supplied protein too much.
What wormer do you recommend? I have not seen any worms so far. I will check for mites and let you know if I find any! I put hay in my coop so I'm sure it's just like a mite party in there if there are any mites!!! Ugh!
What wormer do you recommend? I have not seen any worms so far. I will check for mites and let you know if I find any! I put hay in my coop so I'm sure it's just like a mite party in there if there are any mites!!! Ugh!

I realize control of round worms using Wazine which is used only sparingly. If another worms species or they have a history of exposure to Wazine then another de-wormer may be needed.
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I treated them for mites!!!!! They are putting some weight on now! Thanks for all the help. I think the mites were sucking the life out of them!!!
I'm glad it seems your birds are doing better.

I like to dust my birds with Sevin-5 powder at least twice a year as a preventative, usually in the fall and spring. I wear gloves and dab a bit of powder under each wing and a bit on the back. It works wonderfully.
I'm glad it seems your birds are doing better.

I like to dust my birds with Sevin-5 powder at least twice a year as a preventative, usually in the fall and spring. I wear gloves and dab a bit of powder under each wing and a bit on the back. It works wonderfully.

My husband picked up some sorta stuff that said for chickens on it. I think I will retreat in a week or so just to be safe!

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