I Was Intentionally & Vicously Attacked By A Bee, I mean YellowJacket

Thank you PC. I celebrated the 25 anniversary of my 39 birthday yesterday.. LOL!

Another year older, another year wiser!
Whichever it was, were you just venting?
Intentionally? Viciously?

Of course I was just venting. I knew a bunch of my friends here would
enjoy the whole thing. Just look at all the brilliant responses to my overdramatic
original post.

I thought so.
The best way to kill a yellow jacket hive is to blow boric acid into the hole, or try to get some in there. That's what they used to kill my hive in the wall. You can buy it at a drug store where they have raid and stuff. When they clean the powder off themselves, they ingest the powder and it kills them.
I just had one of the most stressful weeks of my life. THANK YOU PC for this post.......I so needed a good laugh. Words cannot express how much this thread just cheered me up
PC, could it have been a hornet, or cicada killer? No matter what it was, anything silkie big must have loads of venom and bet it hurt like crazy. Least till the G & T's kicked in. Hope you tried the paste thing to draw out the venom while you were at it!

I would of screamed like; the scientist's love interest in a sci fi movie after she's fallen and twisted her ankle, and the alien spaceships are hovering overhead, making those god awful noises. Then I would have indulged in language worthy of at least an R rating.

What price gardening, eh?
We have some pretty big carpenter and bumblebees around here. They might not be as big as a Silkie but they are as big as day old chicks.

Wasps (which yellow jackets are a type of) can sting more than once. Bees have barbed stingers. A stinger is a modified ovipositer.

No matter what, they can inflict some pain. I've been there but not quite as bad. Usually I'll run over a nest while bushhogging.
I am still laughing....

We had a nest in the ground a last year, outside our front door by our flower bed. You would see these darn things flying in and out of the ground. Well, I have a very old dog and he loves to rub his back on the ground. I was standing right out the front door and what does the dog decide to do....but rub his back on the ground right on top of the nest. Needless to say, out flew the yellowjackets. They were all over the dog, he was nipping at them etc. I thought I could get the garden hose quick enough but the darn things headed for me. So I went screaming in the house and slammed the door just as my dog jumped into the kiddie pool we keep filled for him to cool off in.

I thought I had made it and headed downstair to fold laundry. My husband was in the shower, as I was folding clothes I felt something in my shirt then I felt the sting. I started screaming again, ripping off my shirt, and running around trying to kill this yellowjacket. My husband comes out of the shower as I am running around topless and is trying to figure out what is going on. I keep yelling bee, bee, bee. He finally gets a clue and gets the bee.

After is was said and done he told me he thought I was doing a strip act. :thun

We put the small end of a lightbuld in the hole to plug it and haven't seen them since.

Good luck on your recovery. Hope your head feels ok in the morning.

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